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Forums » Looking for RP » ((1 x 1)) M x F Fluffy/Cute Romance (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


I realised around two minutes ago that this was a Big Brother's Best Friend plot... Who else loves a good overused cliche?

It was horribly early in the morning, the sun barely having slipped past the horizon. Even so, Sarah was out working in the fields with her little sister who had just turned three. The small girl had begged her in small babbles to take her out and pick daises to make flower crowns with, so she did. She smiled as she watched her Sister's small hands pick the flowers gently and place them into her lap.

Once they had both picked enough flowers, Sarah began to show the small girl how to separate the stem just enough to slip another daisy through and then stick it back up and seal it. After a few failed attempts, two daises were bound together and, being sisters, they giggled and highfived. They continued to weave their daisy chains, making one for each of them.

After an hour or so, Sarah caught glimpse of their energetic mother and she smiled slightly bitterly. She didn't like the woman as she felt her father was just trying to replace her real mother. He had had a child with this woman, her little sister, but had had her and her big brother with her true mother and didn't enjoy the fact that she was just supposed to... Forget about her.

"Your brother is coming home! Come on, we have to meet him. Apparently he's bringing one of his city friends too!"

Sarah's eyes lit up as she picked up her little sister and handed her the unfinished flower crowns before dashing off past her step mother and straight to the train station, which wasn't too far from her house.

So my character's brother, who's a city boy, is coming home for the summer- two months. He decides to bring your character, his mate, to the farm as well because why not? There, you end up learning the way of farm life~

- No one liners please~
- Decent grammar. Slip ups happen- I'm a victim to it myself
- My responses can range from 1 para to 5+. I try to write as much as I can, but I need things to with!
- Not an instant love. The character I'll be using won't be the easiest to handle, and there will be many downfalls and bumps along the way~

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » ((1 x 1)) M x F Fluffy/Cute Romance (closed)

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