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Forums » Looking for RP » Excitable fairy seeks adventuring party! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

"The role of the fairy in the adventuring party is multi-faceted at best and one-tricking at worst. Known for trickery, healing, and their innate bond to the natural world around them, the fairy/fae/fey offers their allies a deal of utility. Whether the soft-spoken companion atop your shoulder or a haughty guardian of your party, the fairy is considered a desired and irreplaceable addition to any journeying group."

Hello! I'm the writer of Nysphina Petalgleam. I'm new to the RPR scene but not to RP in general, having done it for a good couple of years across such MMOs as Tera, GW2, and WoW as well as now obsolete forum sites. It's a favorite hobby of mine and I've found my success in finding story comes from throwing myself out there, so here we go again!

About Nysphina...

Nysphina would probably not be considered your traditional fairy. There are key "differences" to note:

✩ Nysphina's "true" form has two shapes. She can appear as true herself with differing heights, either 2'8" or 5'6".

✩ Nysphina has a human disguise personal to her as it retains her facial features, hair length, and body shape. Her hair color, eye color, and complexion are the only changes. (Not to mention her ears shorten and her wings disappear!)

✩ Nysphina is capable of shapeshifting, though she can only assume the forms of animals she has personally encountered and she cannot cast spells while her form is changed.

What Nysphina Offers
(I've purposely given Nysphina expected drawbacks and limits to her abilities.)

♢ Nysphina is a capable healer, drawing upon her own reserves of natural magic to mend wounds. Minor wounds and sicknesses can be remedied without breaking too much of a sweat, but grievous injuries might prove costly.
♢ Need to get somewhere or open a door but no one can quite fit? Send Nysphina! Her smaller form can fit into most small spaces. If she is trapped somewhere in this smaller form, she cannot be expected to force herself to her larger size.
Shields. Magical shields. Mind you, they can be shattered with enough force, whether magical or physical.
♢ Using too much of her magic will exhaust her. It can be replenished by rest or consumption of herbs and flora.
♢ She can commune with most wildlife. She can't force them to obey her, but it's not often an animal will act contradictory to what she says.
♢ A peaceful sleep. So long as she has the magic to do it, Nysphina can lull her allies (or enemies) into that 8 hour rest we all dream of.

Aside from the abilities stated above, Nysphina is feisty, protective, loyal, and passionate. Take her along for the ride and she will ensure your quests and adventures are memorable.

(PM me or drop a line here with your concept, group, or thread suggestion! I look forward to meeting more of you!)

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