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Hello! Making a warrior cats roleplay, with a bit of a differnece. Instead of feral housecats i was thinking perhaps a clan of wildcats surviving in the savhanna. If interested please post a simple ref for your character
Name: Nightstar
Age: 2 years (24 moons)
Breed: Black panther
Sexuality: Lesbian
Apperence: Sleek black coated fae with lean muscled build and deep golden hues. Has a white slashmark over chest.
History: Grew up in a bigcat sanctuary, one day pochers infiltrated the area and during the chaos she escapes to find a home and survive.
Rank: Leader of Nightclan
Special: can speak the language of any cat breed.
Name: Nightstar
Age: 2 years (24 moons)
Breed: Black panther
Sexuality: Lesbian
Apperence: Sleek black coated fae with lean muscled build and deep golden hues. Has a white slashmark over chest.
History: Grew up in a bigcat sanctuary, one day pochers infiltrated the area and during the chaos she escapes to find a home and survive.
Rank: Leader of Nightclan
Special: can speak the language of any cat breed.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Heyo, I'd love to join!
Name: Swiftspeckle
Breed: Cheetah
Age: 38 moons
Sexuality: Pansexual
Apperence: Cheetah spots
History: read his page I'm too lazy to type it out again uwu
Rank: Warrior/Deputy
Special: The fastest cat in the Clan. Not very strong, but super fast.
Name: Swiftspeckle
Breed: Cheetah
Age: 38 moons
Sexuality: Pansexual
Apperence: Cheetah spots
History: read his page I'm too lazy to type it out again uwu
Rank: Warrior/Deputy
Special: The fastest cat in the Clan. Not very strong, but super fast.
OwO Id like to join pleas
e Name: Winterfrost
Breed: Snowcelot (Lynx/ocelot cross)
Age: 12.4 moons
Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Apperence: Beautiful: fluffy and white with blue eyes
History: Read her profile
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very beautiful. Also good at hunting.
e Name: Winterfrost
Breed: Snowcelot (Lynx/ocelot cross)
Age: 12.4 moons
Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Apperence: Beautiful: fluffy and white with blue eyes
History: Read her profile
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very beautiful. Also good at hunting.
May I join as well? I'm leaving Briarspots as a boy since it seems most so far are girls and clan needs to repopulate at some point 
Name: Briarspots
Breed: Lynx
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Rusty brown coat with white under chin and belly while having black spots printed over his body. He has a few black lines printed on his face as well. Dark amber eyes.
History: Briarspots was separated from his sibling only a couple moons ago and went to survive by himself before finding Nightstar and her clan.
Rank: Medicine cat
Special: No matter the problem with another cat, he always knows how to treat it, even if it involves a herb he never knew existed before. This doesn't mean he'll get it in time so cats can obviously still die from certain massive wounds or a life-threatening sickness.

Name: Briarspots
Breed: Lynx
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Rusty brown coat with white under chin and belly while having black spots printed over his body. He has a few black lines printed on his face as well. Dark amber eyes.
History: Briarspots was separated from his sibling only a couple moons ago and went to survive by himself before finding Nightstar and her clan.
Rank: Medicine cat
Special: No matter the problem with another cat, he always knows how to treat it, even if it involves a herb he never knew existed before. This doesn't mean he'll get it in time so cats can obviously still die from certain massive wounds or a life-threatening sickness.
May I join?
Name: Clawfoot
Breed: Tiger
Age: 36 Moons
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Orange with black stripes and bright green eyes
History: Does this part have to be filled out cause I got nothin
Rank: Senior Warrior
Special: She’s a great fighter.
I don’t have a Character File for her but I can do it soon if I need to
Name: Clawfoot
Breed: Tiger
Age: 36 Moons
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Orange with black stripes and bright green eyes
History: Does this part have to be filled out cause I got nothin
Rank: Senior Warrior
Special: She’s a great fighter.
I don’t have a Character File for her but I can do it soon if I need to
NyxPara wrote:
May I join as well? I'm leaving Briarspots as a boy since it seems most so far are girls and clan needs to repopulate at some point 
Name: Briarspots
Breed: Lynx
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Rusty brown coat with white under chin and belly while having black spots printed over his body. He has a few black lines printed on his face as well. Dark amber eyes.
History: Briarspots was separated from his sibling only a couple moons ago and went to survive by himself before finding Nightstar and her clan.
Rank: Medicine cat
Special: No matter the problem with another cat, he always knows how to treat it, even if it involves a herb he never knew existed before. This doesn't mean he'll get it in time so cats can obviously still die from certain massive wounds or a life-threatening sickness.

Name: Briarspots
Breed: Lynx
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Rusty brown coat with white under chin and belly while having black spots printed over his body. He has a few black lines printed on his face as well. Dark amber eyes.
History: Briarspots was separated from his sibling only a couple moons ago and went to survive by himself before finding Nightstar and her clan.
Rank: Medicine cat
Special: No matter the problem with another cat, he always knows how to treat it, even if it involves a herb he never knew existed before. This doesn't mean he'll get it in time so cats can obviously still die from certain massive wounds or a life-threatening sickness.

Smokepelt wrote:
May I join?
Name: Clawfoot
Breed: Tiger
Age: 36 Moons
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Orange with black stripes and bright green eyes
History: Does this part have to be filled out cause I got nothin
Rank: Senior Warrior
Special: She’s a great fighter.
I don’t have a Character File for her but I can do it soon if I need to
Name: Clawfoot
Breed: Tiger
Age: 36 Moons
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Orange with black stripes and bright green eyes
History: Does this part have to be filled out cause I got nothin
Rank: Senior Warrior
Special: She’s a great fighter.
I don’t have a Character File for her but I can do it soon if I need to

OwO can I have more than one character? I have other kitties uwu!
Name: Sparklepelt
Breed: Serval
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Homosexual
Apperance: Golden fur that sparkles in the sunlight and the moonlight, big green eyes that enchant everybody. Slim body but muscled, thin head, and wide paws.
History: Was disowned by family because of immense beauty, ran away and found NightClan.
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very strong, and uses beauty to help win enemies over.
Name: Rushingpaw
Breed: Sand Cat
Age: 8 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: A reddish brown cat with white on paws, belly and sides of muzzle. Aqua green eyes.
History: He was abandoned as a kit and his mother gave him to NightClan and asked she remain anonymous.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: He is a good fisher, although there isn't much fish in the savannah.
Name: Coldpaw
Breed: Snow Leopard
Age: 10 moons
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Apperence: Snow leopard with piercing ice blue eyes.
History: Nobody knows. This random snow leopard just showed up in the Clan one day, and nobody wanted to throw it out.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: Not adapted to the heat yet, so thick fur gets in the way sometimes.
Name: Sparklepelt
Breed: Serval
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Homosexual
Apperance: Golden fur that sparkles in the sunlight and the moonlight, big green eyes that enchant everybody. Slim body but muscled, thin head, and wide paws.
History: Was disowned by family because of immense beauty, ran away and found NightClan.
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very strong, and uses beauty to help win enemies over.
Name: Rushingpaw
Breed: Sand Cat
Age: 8 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: A reddish brown cat with white on paws, belly and sides of muzzle. Aqua green eyes.
History: He was abandoned as a kit and his mother gave him to NightClan and asked she remain anonymous.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: He is a good fisher, although there isn't much fish in the savannah.
Name: Coldpaw
Breed: Snow Leopard
Age: 10 moons
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Apperence: Snow leopard with piercing ice blue eyes.
History: Nobody knows. This random snow leopard just showed up in the Clan one day, and nobody wanted to throw it out.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: Not adapted to the heat yet, so thick fur gets in the way sometimes.
Swiftspeckle wrote:
OwO can I have more than one character? I have other kitties uwu!
Name: Sparklepelt
Breed: Serval
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Homosexual
Apperance: Golden fur that sparkles in the sunlight and the moonlight, big green eyes that enchant everybody. Slim body but muscled, thin head, and wide paws.
History: Was disowned by family because of immense beauty, ran away and found NightClan.
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very strong, and uses beauty to help win enemies over.
Name: Rushingpaw
Breed: Sand Cat
Age: 8 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: A reddish brown cat with white on paws, belly and sides of muzzle. Aqua green eyes.
History: He was abandoned as a kit and his mother gave him to NightClan and asked she remain anonymous.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: He is a good fisher, although there isn't much fish in the savannah.
Name: Coldpaw
Breed: Snow Leopard
Age: 10 moons
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Apperence: Snow leopard with piercing ice blue eyes.
History: Nobody knows. This random snow leopard just showed up in the Clan one day, and nobody wanted to throw it out.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: Not adapted to the heat yet, so thick fur gets in the way sometimes.
Name: Sparklepelt
Breed: Serval
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Homosexual
Apperance: Golden fur that sparkles in the sunlight and the moonlight, big green eyes that enchant everybody. Slim body but muscled, thin head, and wide paws.
History: Was disowned by family because of immense beauty, ran away and found NightClan.
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very strong, and uses beauty to help win enemies over.
Name: Rushingpaw
Breed: Sand Cat
Age: 8 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: A reddish brown cat with white on paws, belly and sides of muzzle. Aqua green eyes.
History: He was abandoned as a kit and his mother gave him to NightClan and asked she remain anonymous.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: He is a good fisher, although there isn't much fish in the savannah.
Name: Coldpaw
Breed: Snow Leopard
Age: 10 moons
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Apperence: Snow leopard with piercing ice blue eyes.
History: Nobody knows. This random snow leopard just showed up in the Clan one day, and nobody wanted to throw it out.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: Not adapted to the heat yet, so thick fur gets in the way sometimes.

Name: CrookFang (Fang)
Breed: Siberian/bangle Tiger
Age: 36 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: bulky fluffy tigress with bloodred eyes
History: Unknown
Rank: Warrior/apprentice
Special: Is secretly Nightstars sibling from the cat scantuary, they grew up together there.
Breed: Siberian/bangle Tiger
Age: 36 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: bulky fluffy tigress with bloodred eyes
History: Unknown
Rank: Warrior/apprentice
Special: Is secretly Nightstars sibling from the cat scantuary, they grew up together there.
You say you need more cats yet I just gave you 3 more. If you want more cats, let me use mine. I am good at using more than one character, at one point in another rp I was using 9+ and still maintaining them all. But still, it's your rp I guess.
Swiftspeckle wrote:
You say you need more cats yet I just gave you 3 more. If you want more cats, let me use mine. I am good at using more than one character, at one point in another rp I was using 9+ and still maintaining them all. But still, it's your rp I guess.
Iam allowing everyone two charaters...if that is not enough for you iam sorry, just trying to be fair
It's fine, just don't complain about not having enough Clan members when I have given you a few that you have refused.
Yes hello i have anothr character i'd like too use please??
Name: Little Claw
Breed: Lynx
Age: 2 moons
Sexuality: Unknown
Apperence: Very tiny, super light grey with white paws, stpripes, and bright large, vibrant emerald green eyes
History: it is unknown how a cat like them got too the savhannah but they wonder around looking for someone too join
Rank: Kit/Rouge
Special: Very adorable, but also very sassy with an attitude problem sometimes
Name: Little Claw
Breed: Lynx
Age: 2 moons
Sexuality: Unknown
Apperence: Very tiny, super light grey with white paws, stpripes, and bright large, vibrant emerald green eyes
History: it is unknown how a cat like them got too the savhannah but they wonder around looking for someone too join
Rank: Kit/Rouge
Special: Very adorable, but also very sassy with an attitude problem sometimes
Swiftspeckle wrote:
It's fine, just don't complain about not having enough Clan members when I have given you a few that you have refused.
Was not complianing just giving ample chances for others.
Winterfrost wrote:
Yes hello i have anothr character i'd like too use please??
Name: Little Claw
Breed: Lynx
Age: 2 moons
Sexuality: Unknown
Apperence: Very tiny, super light grey with white paws, stpripes, and bright large, vibrant emerald green eyes
History: it is unknown how a cat like them got too the savhannah but they wonder around looking for someone too join
Rank: Kit/Rouge
Special: Very adorable, but also very sassy with an attitude problem sometimes
Name: Little Claw
Breed: Lynx
Age: 2 moons
Sexuality: Unknown
Apperence: Very tiny, super light grey with white paws, stpripes, and bright large, vibrant emerald green eyes
History: it is unknown how a cat like them got too the savhannah but they wonder around looking for someone too join
Rank: Kit/Rouge
Special: Very adorable, but also very sassy with an attitude problem sometimes
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