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Forums » Looking for RP » Nightclan(wildcats warrior rp) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


Hello! Making a warrior cats roleplay, with a bit of a differnece. Instead of feral housecats i was thinking perhaps a clan of wildcats surviving in the savhanna. If interested please post a simple ref for your character



Name: Nightstar
Age: 2 years (24 moons)
Breed: Black panther
Sexuality: Lesbian
Apperence: Sleek black coated fae with lean muscled build and deep golden hues. Has a white slashmark over chest.

History: Grew up in a bigcat sanctuary, one day pochers infiltrated the area and during the chaos she escapes to find a home and survive.

Rank: Leader of Nightclan

Special: can speak the language of any cat breed.


Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Still seeking players!!
Swiftspeckle (played anonymously)

Heyo, I'd love to join!

Name: Swiftspeckle

Breed: Cheetah

Age: 38 moons

Sexuality: Pansexual

Apperence: Cheetah spots

History: read his page I'm too lazy to type it out again uwu

Rank: Warrior/Deputy

Special: The fastest cat in the Clan. Not very strong, but super fast.
Winterfrost (played anonymously)

OwO Id like to join pleas
e Name: Winterfrost
Breed: Snowcelot (Lynx/ocelot cross)
Age: 12.4 moons
Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Apperence: Beautiful: fluffy and white with blue eyes
History: Read her profile
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very beautiful. Also good at hunting.
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Wooo!! Your both accepted^^ now to see if we cannot get a few more :D

May I join as well? I'm leaving Briarspots as a boy since it seems most so far are girls and clan needs to repopulate at some point XD
Name: Briarspots
Breed: Lynx
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Rusty brown coat with white under chin and belly while having black spots printed over his body. He has a few black lines printed on his face as well. Dark amber eyes.
History: Briarspots was separated from his sibling only a couple moons ago and went to survive by himself before finding Nightstar and her clan.
Rank: Medicine cat
Special: No matter the problem with another cat, he always knows how to treat it, even if it involves a herb he never knew existed before. This doesn't mean he'll get it in time so cats can obviously still die from certain massive wounds or a life-threatening sickness.
May I join?
Name: Clawfoot
Breed: Tiger
Age: 36 Moons
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Orange with black stripes and bright green eyes
History: Does this part have to be filled out cause I got nothin
Rank: Senior Warrior
Special: She’s a great fighter.
I don’t have a Character File for her but I can do it soon if I need to
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

NyxPara wrote:
May I join as well? I'm leaving Briarspots as a boy since it seems most so far are girls and clan needs to repopulate at some point XD
Name: Briarspots
Breed: Lynx
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Rusty brown coat with white under chin and belly while having black spots printed over his body. He has a few black lines printed on his face as well. Dark amber eyes.
History: Briarspots was separated from his sibling only a couple moons ago and went to survive by himself before finding Nightstar and her clan.
Rank: Medicine cat
Special: No matter the problem with another cat, he always knows how to treat it, even if it involves a herb he never knew existed before. This doesn't mean he'll get it in time so cats can obviously still die from certain massive wounds or a life-threatening sickness.

Accepted :)
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Smokepelt wrote:
May I join?
Name: Clawfoot
Breed: Tiger
Age: 36 Moons
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Orange with black stripes and bright green eyes
History: Does this part have to be filled out cause I got nothin
Rank: Senior Warrior
Special: She’s a great fighter.
I don’t have a Character File for her but I can do it soon if I need to

Accepted :)
Swiftspeckle (played anonymously)

OwO can I have more than one character? I have other kitties uwu!

Name: Sparklepelt
Breed: Serval
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Homosexual
Apperance: Golden fur that sparkles in the sunlight and the moonlight, big green eyes that enchant everybody. Slim body but muscled, thin head, and wide paws.
History: Was disowned by family because of immense beauty, ran away and found NightClan.
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very strong, and uses beauty to help win enemies over.

Name: Rushingpaw
Breed: Sand Cat
Age: 8 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: A reddish brown cat with white on paws, belly and sides of muzzle. Aqua green eyes.
History: He was abandoned as a kit and his mother gave him to NightClan and asked she remain anonymous.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: He is a good fisher, although there isn't much fish in the savannah.

Name: Coldpaw
Breed: Snow Leopard
Age: 10 moons
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Apperence: Snow leopard with piercing ice blue eyes.
History: Nobody knows. This random snow leopard just showed up in the Clan one day, and nobody wanted to throw it out.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: Not adapted to the heat yet, so thick fur gets in the way sometimes.

WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Swiftspeckle wrote:
OwO can I have more than one character? I have other kitties uwu!

Name: Sparklepelt
Breed: Serval
Age: 20 moons
Sexuality: Homosexual
Apperance: Golden fur that sparkles in the sunlight and the moonlight, big green eyes that enchant everybody. Slim body but muscled, thin head, and wide paws.
History: Was disowned by family because of immense beauty, ran away and found NightClan.
Rank: Warrior
Special: Very strong, and uses beauty to help win enemies over.

Name: Rushingpaw
Breed: Sand Cat
Age: 8 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: A reddish brown cat with white on paws, belly and sides of muzzle. Aqua green eyes.
History: He was abandoned as a kit and his mother gave him to NightClan and asked she remain anonymous.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: He is a good fisher, although there isn't much fish in the savannah.

Name: Coldpaw
Breed: Snow Leopard
Age: 10 moons
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Apperence: Snow leopard with piercing ice blue eyes.
History: Nobody knows. This random snow leopard just showed up in the Clan one day, and nobody wanted to throw it out.
Rank: Apprentice
Special: Not adapted to the heat yet, so thick fur gets in the way sometimes.


XD I didnt even answer yet lol, for now id perfer everyone to focus on one-two characters but no more than 2, so others have a chance to join if they wish and the clan isnt just full of clones :)
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Needs a few more cats!!
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Name: CrookFang (Fang)
Breed: Siberian/bangle Tiger
Age: 36 moons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperence: bulky fluffy tigress with bloodred eyes
History: Unknown
Rank: Warrior/apprentice
Special: Is secretly Nightstars sibling from the cat scantuary, they grew up together there.
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Also would like a mate for Nightstar
Swiftspeckle (played anonymously)

You say you need more cats yet I just gave you 3 more. If you want more cats, let me use mine. I am good at using more than one character, at one point in another rp I was using 9+ and still maintaining them all. But still, it's your rp I guess.
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Swiftspeckle wrote:
You say you need more cats yet I just gave you 3 more. If you want more cats, let me use mine. I am good at using more than one character, at one point in another rp I was using 9+ and still maintaining them all. But still, it's your rp I guess.

Iam allowing everyone two charaters...if that is not enough for you iam sorry, just trying to be fair
Swiftspeckle (played anonymously)

It's fine, just don't complain about not having enough Clan members when I have given you a few that you have refused.
Winterfrost (played anonymously)

Yes hello i have anothr character i'd like too use please??

Name: Little Claw
Breed: Lynx
Age: 2 moons
Sexuality: Unknown
Apperence: Very tiny, super light grey with white paws, stpripes, and bright large, vibrant emerald green eyes
History: it is unknown how a cat like them got too the savhannah but they wonder around looking for someone too join
Rank: Kit/Rouge
Special: Very adorable, but also very sassy with an attitude problem sometimes
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Swiftspeckle wrote:
It's fine, just don't complain about not having enough Clan members when I have given you a few that you have refused.

Was not complianing just giving ample chances for others.
WolfieX45 Topic Starter

Winterfrost wrote:
Yes hello i have anothr character i'd like too use please??

Name: Little Claw
Breed: Lynx
Age: 2 moons
Sexuality: Unknown
Apperence: Very tiny, super light grey with white paws, stpripes, and bright large, vibrant emerald green eyes
History: it is unknown how a cat like them got too the savhannah but they wonder around looking for someone too join
Rank: Kit/Rouge
Special: Very adorable, but also very sassy with an attitude problem sometimes


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