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Forums » RP Discussion » This Town is to Die For! -OOC

ghostface (played by WhatsInTheCube)

awh :<
I'm not easy to spook. ~v^
ghostface (played by WhatsInTheCube)

(Giggles) Boop! ^v^
ghostface (played by WhatsInTheCube)

no boops back >:V
ghostface wrote:
no boops back >:V

,0v0, (sniffles sadly)
ghostface (played by WhatsInTheCube)

I’m sorry ;w;
ghostface wrote:
I’m sorry ;w;

You've still lost your cookie privileges. =v=
ghostface (played by WhatsInTheCube)

i didn’t know i lost them ;-; just one more?
..... Fine, you're adorable. You get one more.... =v=

The no cookie period ends in, like, five minutes though, so it's fine.
ghostface (played by WhatsInTheCube)

hissss who you callin adorable
ghostface wrote:
hissss who you callin adorable

The adorable boop ghost! ^v^ (happy humming)
ghostface (played by WhatsInTheCube)

b o o p
There you go Dazz/Evil Town, now you're getting it! ^v^

Also, this way they won't cause noticeable structural damage with large volumes of acid.....
Oh, if the mansion can do any kind of telepathic communication (?) they'd probably be responsive.....
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

At the very least, there's a pervasive aura of hatred and malice there.
Eh, they have enough that already. Oh well.
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

I kind of like the idea of the entire ace being able to broadcast its mood a little bit, but only the flying buggies are in a place where that aura is noticeable. And they wouldn't even care.
They would be very acutely aware of it, kinda, but they.... um..... really aren't very bright or concerned by most things. They are made to die, so.... '^v^
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

Oh, almost forgot something.

'Ello, Maine, got any ideas for getting Adam in with the rest of the group?

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