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Forums » Looking for RP » A fallen star (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Sierra (played by Lexareeno)

My name is Sierra and I have been cast from the heavens due to outrageous lies by my older sister. She couldn't stand me to literally outshine her so she had me sent away. Now I walk among mortals. Will you help me navigate my new life?
Talonel (played anonymously)

You're an angel too? My word how I've been so lonely *hugs you* oh I should introduce my self *bows in a theatric fashion* my name is Talonel, the angel of death and whisperer of mercy.
Sierra (played by Lexareeno) Topic Starter

Oh...*pause* I am a fallen star. My apologies for the miscommunication. We work close with the angels however we are a different kind.

I am so pleased to meet you though! Would you like to help me in my exile?
Arun-Ja (played by Arcol)

Long have I traveled, through terror and despair, pain and torment, and vile schemes of Daedric Princes and mortals both. I have journeyed throughout the realms of infinite number, crossed the sea of stars, and battled my way past the barriers of the Grey Maybe, but never have I seen the stars themselves cast down in pure manifest, to be placed among the mortal blood, branded traitor and coward to her own kin.

I beg forgiveness, for I have not introduced myself; I am Arun-Ja Xercles, Honorary Magister of House Telvanni, summoner of Oblivion’s creatures, tamer of the storm, and Keeper of the Sacred Hist. I have gained much knowledge through my travels, from both far and wide, but there is still much to learn before my time is come. I would humbly ask to accompany you on your noblest quest of redemption, for my skills are many, and my thirst for adventure has yet to be quenched.

(Sorry for the lengthy post; I just like to embellish a bit sometimes. Would this character work for this roleplay?)
Sierra (played by Lexareeno) Topic Starter

Yes, please! So let me confirm: we have a fallen angel/angel, and an Honorary Magister of House Telvanni, summoner of Oblivion’s creatures, tamer of the storm, and Keeper of the Sacred Hist (that's a mouthful haha)?

If that's everyone I think we're good. :-)

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