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Forums » Looking for RP » Reawakening! Revival of an Ancient wold. (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

"A great evil once stole our greatest treasure from us. It ha grown weak and it is time to finally retake that treasure.. To retake Arkadis. To reclaim out home... To reclaim our history that was all but lost!"

A valiant idea that will come at risk. The world known as Arkadis is an ancient world that once belonged to the race of kitsune known as the Celestrian. The Celestrian had lived a rather peaceful life on this world, until the appearance of a massive type of demon so old, it made even the star of that system look like a new born ball of gas. World Eaters, Plague Bringers, and numerous other names come with these creatures, these demons. The Celestrian people know them most commonly as Plague Bringers, and they knew that once a demon like this had so much as touched a world with its darkness, it would spell the end of that planet. The day that this vile creature had appeared was just like any other day, save for the grand event of the birth of the royal families first born child. The world had been ruled long by three 'Royal' families that had a system that acted as a type of consul. The first of these families where the Blazecoats, Fierce and powerful warriors and fire users and where marked as such by the blazing crimson coloration to their fur. The second of these families where known as the Earthclaw, A family of powerful earth users and stout kitsune that carried massive shields into battle. The third of these families was the Inkari, masters of water and healing. Wielding magic and blade, the most powerful of this family where members of the Silver Frost tribe and wielded lethal magics.

Three great houses, three large clans, and even they with blades turned towards their foe could do nothing to stop the demon. It was decided then to use a special gateway to send the heirs of each of these families to another world, to protect their bloodlines as well as race. Yasashiku of the Blazecoats, youngest son of the Celestrian lord of flame was scent ahead to ensure a safe place to house his people. The Lady of the earth, the lovely Kiyoka did her best to leave, but in the end decided to do what she could to defend the planet. The Lady of water, Frostcoat Inkari sent her newborn daughter through with her caretaker, then turned and rallied what members of her troops she could to head to a tower that had been known as a holy place, the spire of the Crystal moon. Inside of this place was said to be a great weapon forged by the gods. It was here that the bulk of the Inkari clan had gathered, knowing it would take the lives of every one of them to activate it. It was here that the world was set in a eternal slumber, awaiting to be reawakened by someone with the ancient blood inside of them.

Hello one and all! I would first like to thank you for taking the time to look at this!

I am planing on an Rp that will focus on the revival, and return of the world Arkadis to the Celestrian race. While the demon might not be what it once was, the task will fall upon those that march on the world to purify the demon's vile taint from the world it tried to consume so many years ago! This Rp is NOT going to be short term, and for that reason I am not accepting any less then 1-2 paragraphs as a MINIMUM post length requirement. For the first time, I also will be far more choosy about what kinds of characters that will be allowed to join in on this rp, and while I will not say that any certain race is not allowed, HUMAN's are going to be frowned upon due to issues in the past between Human and Celestrian.

A list of required Tibits to know for you people that TL;DR
  • One or Two paragraph per post Minimum.
  • All races Welcome, Humans will be frowned on due to bad blood
  • This will be long term, so don't ghost after a few posts.
  • I don't ask for perfection, just the minimum post lengths.
  • Anything goes in this rp, Non-con is not acceptable or welcome here. If you want to do something in the RP ask me first.
    This rp is open to 1x1's or a group. I will cap the group at 5 in total, but I will not push for it.

That all said, if you are interested in this, Message me directly! Do not send an IC post and Do expect alot of talking ahead of time as well as during. This means there will be an IC chat for the RP and there will be an OOC chat FOR OOC. I am sorry but I have to keep saying this, I like to keep OOC and IC AWAY from each other. All questions can be directed to this form if you want, I will answer them but I want to keep the brain storming to PM's.

For 1x1's, Romance is an option but not a requirement as that is not to be the focus of this rp.

Rude people, people that god mode, as well as people that wish to ignore the few rules I have set for this rp will be asked to leave if in a group. I apologize for sounding rude, but I do not need OOC drama to destroy what I want to do with this.
Magic 100%
Mundane? What's that? Magic permeates every part of the setting. Almost everyone has access to strong magic.
Technology 100%
Far future, perhaps galactic teleporters and fast terraforming
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Reawakening! Revival of an Ancient wold. (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus