Jason smirked as his neck grew scaly gills sprouting. He covered her mouth
viper held out her hand so she could grab it, they were gonna go into camo, just if she noticed.
He dropped her and swooped down scooping Anna up from the ground
She bit his hand, kicking at his gut. she swam to lilly, and teliported them to the ground. whispering something i lillys ear, she then ran out with lora, grabbing 'something'
" try dealing with this B!tC#3S" she yelled, two big daddy's running out their drills, were intimidating.
lora then teliported everyone to annother section of rapture, she passed out as soon as they got there, lilly got them inside, there was a sign that said, ' tenenbaum's home for little sisters' it was a safe house.
He laughed “peter lets go!”peter zoomed off with both of them
Jason and peter landed in a larg wearhouse. The drops Anna and Lora. Jason clamped A pair of super power blocking cuffs on each of them. He smiled
still unconchuse,
(( 2 things, 1, its open now, and 2 I HAVE AN ACCUAL FRIEND! im lonely in rl...))
(( 2 things, 1, its open now, and 2 I HAVE AN ACCUAL FRIEND! im lonely in rl...))
“I am sooo clever”
((You wanna play Erik/magneto?))
((You wanna play Erik/magneto?))
Lora wrote:
still unconchuse,
(( 2 things, 1, its open now, and 2 I HAVE AN ACCUAL FRIEND! im lonely in rl...))
(( 2 things, 1, its open now, and 2 I HAVE AN ACCUAL FRIEND! im lonely in rl...))
((Same!!! Yayyy!!! LOL I actually am ditching a school meeting right now . We have a speaker and I honestly am not interested ))
she bolted up, and looked angry. her eyes were no longer orange and yellow, but now a crimson red," BACON'S FOR LOOSERS LIKE YOU!" (( LORA NUUUU, MY BABY! U NEED T CALM DOWN NOW!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(x10000000000000000000) ))
He growled then socked her in the throat
she squeaked, but you could tell she dident feel anything, behind her back she was holding up the middle finger... ((

He turned to Anna
“Well I must say it’s nice to have you back sweetheart”
(( creepiness intensifies ))
“Well I must say it’s nice to have you back sweetheart”
(( creepiness intensifies ))
He smiled and sat down next to her.and winked
i cant stop laughing))

She rolled her eyes at him “Baka!!!”
He sighed turned into a sheep and said “ well I feel sheepish” he turned back to human
He sighed turned into a sheep and said “ well I feel sheepish” he turned back to human
He turned back in to a sheep and started knitting his wool in to a scarf
" when will you let us go PERV! i bet you'll be the next rian..." she started to smile, it was creepy, like pointy teet, death stare, and head tilt. (( in bioshock rian is , supposed, to be the overlord, then he gets killed lik 5 min in the game...

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