she looked as if there was a gilmmer in her eyes, as she appeared behind one of his legs, watching the runes as they disapear.
The runes appeared on the wood as if burnt into it, his words becoming less of a hiss. "Eka shall seal thornessa hurdh against allr who wish haina eom others"
she looked up at his face, and looked back at the door.
He shuddered, slowing down. "Onr menoa er aí child"
she blinked and looked up at him once more before getting a cookie appear out of thin air. she then ate it.
He wiped sweat off his forehead, the runes becoming permanent. "Phew..."
she finished the cookie and swalloed it quietly. and looked up at him.
He looked at her, grinning. "That should last for a few months, at least."
she smiled one of her teeth was a little chipped. she then went back to the spot they were sitting on. she then got out the comic, but it was the next one.
He curled up into a ball on the floor, falling asleep.
she watched as he slept. she then looked at the door, she let out a small wimper before getting up. she stood up and walked to the door, she reached her hand out and slid under the door. she landed inside, and a few conversations later she came back out. stareing at the floor and sat down. her cat plushie out and squeezed the crap out of it. she sat on the couch, and laid down reading the book under a blanket. she had a flashlight. she slowly fell asleep.
eve walked out at 6. her eyes quickly went to Jessica she was sleeping on the couch. she then went up and patted her on the head. and looked next to her, on th floor was Nakon. she smiled and walked into the kitchen. she put some backon on the pan.
He mumbled in his sleep, a few hazy runes forming, but fading after just a second or so.
she put bacon by his nose and waited for him to wake up.
He ate the bacon, while asleep, mumbling contentedly.
she chuckled a little, and walked to the couch. she sat there and patted jessica on the shoulder, she then sat there.
He woke up, looking around. "Whazzgoinon?" He asked, confused and weakened due to the runic spell he'd cast last night.
she then looked at him, and pointed to the bacon left on a plate. and she watched him.
He dove for the plate, dumping the entire thing into his mouth.
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