He shrugged.
she ate annother. " food, keeps me from glitching without breaking open my skull." she said it as if it WASENT creepy beyond reason.
" just a bad dream. im okay!" she smiled and held up a thumb. her tears slowly changed to a darker bue.
He nodded. "Got it." He stood up, stretched, and checked the seal on the door. "Not my best workmanship, but it should hold for a while."
baby stepped out of her room, and grabbed him. her face in jumpscare mode. " STAY AWAY!" eve patted her back and she let him go.
“Ooohooo “she casually broke a pop tart in half and ate it
she laughed and kept playing.
"Jesus christ, I was just checking."
" i get to choose the next game though..." she smirked and looked to her.
she stepped back and walked into the kitchen. a door slammed open and you looked to see foxy, he was kicking the door open. " BACON!!! gimmygimmygimmygimmy!" he said to Eve. she pointed to the kitchen. and he ran as fast as possible.
He shrugged, standing back up. "Alright, if i'm correct, the seal will hold for... about a month, maybe less."
" kk" she said walking in as freddy walked in too. bon bon waved to Nakon as they passed.
He waved back, yawning. ((Bye.))
“Vandroka melex andor, vatra meldon Neth-aran modran.”
(The time approaches, the final plan of the Bitter-Heart.)
(The time approaches, the final plan of the Bitter-Heart.)
(( OooFff
Nova crashed the plane sucsessively. she thought she was dead. but her unconchase body washed up on a New York beach. her green dress was damp and she had a few burns on her face. her breathing was slow, and raspy. at least she was breathing.
The Eye burned ever brighter, unquenched wrath blazing ever more. He watched her plane crash, her limp body wash to shore, the flickering life in her chest, slowly fading and brightening. He assumed she could be a valuable asset, if she accepted his deal; he decided to send an ambassador in his name, a non-threatening one, perhaps.
She winced a little with every breath. her chest was tight and hurt. there was a piece of the plane in her stomach. she kept her eyes closed and focused on breathing. a green liquid-like thing, that seemed never ending, came to her and created a protective dome around her.
her eyes opend verry slowly, and even then they were barely open. she looked around at the dome. she then looked to the piece of metal in her chest. she pulled it out, and threw it out of the dome. she watched as the hole in her stomach slowly patched back together, moving like a living thing. soon it was done, and she laid back down, curling up she fell back to sleep. the dome went away.
He saw the plane crash and went over there to check out the wreckage and see if he could figure out why it crashed.
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