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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she was freezing, shivering at every breath. her eyes clenched shut, she hoped something would just come and kill her. she diddent want to be here...her dreams weren't as good as she wanted, the green things came back, but in shards coming from the ground, covering her like a cage. for protection.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"What in the..."
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she kept shivering. the fact her dress was damp, diddent help.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"What the heck are you?"
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she wasent awake, she dident want to see annywayse.
Netharan (played by Arcol)

Keldorah, this was confusing... then again, the mad follow the laws that were written. He’d have to look up the Sermons of Vivec again sometime.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

the dream slowed down, and the shards slowly degraded.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"Um.... hello?" He asked, very confused.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

there was a voice, it wasent from her dream, it was from out there. she focused on sleeping. mabey they'd think she was dead. well, more than she already was. but half of her wanted to stay, to find a family, to have a normal life...
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“Are you getting anything from this,” a man asked from nearby, “because I’m not understanding a word.”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

her eyes slowly opened, once her vision focused on the amount of light, she noticed a figure in front of her. "eep!" she said before scooching back, and putting the liquid-solid to some use. she made a shield in front of her.
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“Is she afraid of me or you,” he asked, his business suit freshly pressed, “I’m sure you’d cause more fear in someone; no offense.”
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He shrugged. "No idea. Also, I can cause fear in people! I just need a knife."
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

there was two now!? she dident know what to do, she did what she usually did if gotten overwhelmed. (( NU SMOLLER BEAN NU!)) " she's crawing back in my mind! I need to keep her out!" she grasped her head and with one swoop, like many times before, all that was heard was a crack, the shield went away, and her neck was broken. and just when she stopped breathing, she got back up, and her neck went back in place. she was too exsausted, she fell to the floor, her arm became more degraded.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"What the hell."
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“Wow,” he said, a look of amusement (or maybe boredom) on his face, “whatever my boss was expecting, I’m sure it wasn’t that.”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she mumbled in her sleep, " Eviline......." the last thing she said resembled the word moss. but it was illegible.
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“She’s asleep, right?”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she coughed a little, as some of the liquid came out of her mouth.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"Yeah, i think so. No idea tho, tbh."

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