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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

Netharan (played by Arcol)

“Yeah,” he straightened his tie, “that’s disturbing.”
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He looked at the wreckage of the ship, frowning. "Any idea where she came from?"
Netharan (played by Arcol)

Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

on her neck was a number, ' N-053; property of unbrella corperation.'
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“Oh,” he realized, “Umbrella; isn’t that the organization that makes zombies? Kind of wasteful to make zombie sharks, I think.”
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"I thought they were some kind of government corporation thingy."
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"Huh." He sifted through the wreckage, as if looking for something.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Nova's eyes went from side to side in from her eye lids. she was in annother dream, but this one was diffrent. she was in a house. and saw a girl. she was around 21 mabey 23. she looked at her and screamed. the scream was heard from out of her dream. she started hyperventalating as the girl chased her through the new house, a man was there too, he joined the chase. soon she tripped on something, and fell. she tried but couldent use her powers. she was twitching and moving a little her breathing got worse by the minute. soon she got up, first thing she said was, " MIA!" she looked around, seeing the two men. the one with a tux, looked okay, but the other one... desterbed her a little... she lifted her hands when...
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“Well, look whose awake,” the man stated, “I’m sure my boss will be pleased at that.”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" b-boss?" she asked putting her hands down.
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“We’ll get to that in a bit,” he waved the thought off, “in the meanwhile, is there anything you desire; something you’ve been seeking all your life, that you would do anything to obtain? Power, wealth, fame, etc...?”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" a-a Family" she said.
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“Well, my boss can grant you that; you can have the perfect family, one that will love and cherish you for eternity. What would you say if I told you that?”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

her eyes widened, for once she felt something, hope, but how this man talked reminded her of the doctors in the lab. " w-what do y-you get o-out of it-t." she said between shivers.
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“Me personally, nothing,” he replied, “but the Lord of Wishes only asks for your loyalty undying; no strings attached, no messy surprises. Well, at least not for you.”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she dident understand that last bit, but she nodded. holding her arms with her hands so she was warmer. a brisk wind came and uncovered one of her eyes, from her hair. it was blood red, and accualy looked like it was bleeding.
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“My master can give you anything you want or need; he’ll help you with your eye, he’ll destroy the lab that experimented on you, anything, so long as you give your loyalty to him. Simple, isn’t it?”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she froze. and nodded covering her eye back up. " th-that just ha-ppens when i u-use my p-powers..." she currled up while sitting and grasped her arms tighter.
Netharan (played by Arcol)

“He can help you with that, if you wish.” He held out his hand to her, a friendly glint in his eye. “What do you say?”
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she looked at his hand for a moment before putting her hand on his and standing up.

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