((Are they still here?"
“N-053, depart, and your family shall meet you outside these walls; Fen, remain, and tell me what you desire, for my power of Wishes cannot be used until you have said it yourself.”
"...." He was silent for a moment, thinking. "Alright, I'll stay."
" o-okay"
(( yes yes... * le evil smile *
Nova walked out the big room. she was a little relieved now, she walked a bit more before running into a man. next to him was a woman, and a little boy. he looked around 12. she tilted her head as the man said, " hello Nova, were your new family."
" c'mon sweetie, lets go home." the lady said. the boy smiled at her, but it just dident feel right. she nodded after thinking a while. they then walked to a car. driving off to a house. Nova was looking out the window
" c'mon sweetie, lets go home." the lady said. the boy smiled at her, but it just dident feel right. she nodded after thinking a while. they then walked to a car. driving off to a house. Nova was looking out the window
" I'm Billy!" the boy said, Nova looked at him. he gave annother smile. this time, he seemed soulless. Nova scooched the other way from him. looking back to the window she told herself;
' this isent how i pictured it...' she sighed, ' they're... not my real Family...'
annother voice said back to her, ' but look how easy they look to control?' Nova listened silently, ' Wouldent you like some slaves, they could find your real family. They wont be useless.' the voice sounded familliar, and a part of her mind told her not to listen... but she did anyway.
' how?' she asked the voice
' wait for the right moment, and I'll help you...' this made Nova smirk. she dident know why. soon they pulled into a suberban house. it looked normal. they all walked in. and Nova was put to bed. so was the boy.
(( i made it so she kind of lost herself, although she can get it back. ))
' this isent how i pictured it...' she sighed, ' they're... not my real Family...'
annother voice said back to her, ' but look how easy they look to control?' Nova listened silently, ' Wouldent you like some slaves, they could find your real family. They wont be useless.' the voice sounded familliar, and a part of her mind told her not to listen... but she did anyway.
' how?' she asked the voice
' wait for the right moment, and I'll help you...' this made Nova smirk. she dident know why. soon they pulled into a suberban house. it looked normal. they all walked in. and Nova was put to bed. so was the boy.
(( i made it so she kind of lost herself, although she can get it back. ))
He sighed. "So, what now, Mr. all-knowing genie lad?"
“Care for your tone, wolf child; I am a patron of the Fallen Lord’s, and give these gifts of my own accord, in return for undying loyalty. A fair deal for great power, I think, and for a low price.”
"What exactly do you mean by undying loyalty?" He asked, suspicious. "Will I be, like, a slave or something, or...?"
She stayed awake the whole night, listening to the voice talk to her again, and again. she closed her eyes and opened, they were bleeding again, but it was both of them. she got up and walked to the boy, tapping his shoulder, and he turned to her waking up slowly;
he rubbed his eyes and began to talk, " you have a bad dre--" Nova touched his forehead with her index and middle finger. his skin turned pale and his pupils were tiny. he got up and stared blankly at her. she smiled as she walked out the door.
she walked into the parents room and got the mother first then the husband. she told them to wait in the living room. she walked outside and got a lighter, throwing it in the house. she smiled, as the house lit on fire and she started to walk away. soon she got as far as she wanted, she snapped her fingers as they all started to come out of the flames and walked to her. she watched as people started taking pictures of the house. she then looked to them all and pointed towards a forest. as they all walked towards a bon fire.
he rubbed his eyes and began to talk, " you have a bad dre--" Nova touched his forehead with her index and middle finger. his skin turned pale and his pupils were tiny. he got up and stared blankly at her. she smiled as she walked out the door.
she walked into the parents room and got the mother first then the husband. she told them to wait in the living room. she walked outside and got a lighter, throwing it in the house. she smiled, as the house lit on fire and she started to walk away. soon she got as far as she wanted, she snapped her fingers as they all started to come out of the flames and walked to her. she watched as people started taking pictures of the house. she then looked to them all and pointed towards a forest. as they all walked towards a bon fire.
Fen wrote:
"What exactly do you mean by undying loyalty?" He asked, suspicious. "Will I be, like, a slave or something, or...?"
“No, child; it simply means that when I call for you, you answer to fight at my side. A small price for large rewards, yes?”
He considered the offer, before sighing. "So, basically, it's a you help me help you help me kind of thing?"
“Precisely, I give you what you desire most, and you aid me when I call for you; that is the price for my Wish, nothing more, nothing less. Interested?”
He raised an eyebrow. "So... you're saying I can have anything?"
“Anything you desire, I shall give.”
"....." He grinned. "What do I have to do?"
“Swear yourself to me, that you will come when I call for you, and the gift you seek shall be yours. There are exceptions, however; I cannot destroy myself or another divine being, for even those as I have limitations on such matters. It will change, soon enough, but for now, it remains. So, what is it you desire, child of wolves?”
"A sandwich."
"I'm not really sure... could I wait to make my wish?"
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