“If you insist; I shall prolong the wish until you need it. This is not your wish, for your knowledge, just an extended time to chose.”
He nodded. "Thanks."
“Of course; are you prepared to swear yourself to me, to aid me when the time comes?”
"I am."
“Good. Speak the following; I, (your name), do swear undying loyalty to Netharan, Lord of Wishes, to answer his call when the time arrives. The Eye Sees All. ”
He cleared his throat. "Eka, fen, ach otherúm undying loyalty eom netharan, daéda abr wishes, eom answer his call when du time arrives. Du auga sees allr."
“Good. When the time arrives, you shall have your desire. Naka selod vanar.”
He nodded, grinning.
“Go forth, and when you seek to obtain your wish, return, and it shall be so.”
He walked away from the area, humming and satisfied.
(( meow...))]
Nova looked at the seemingly unattended bonfire. and snapped both of her finger before turning to the 'family' " gasoliene" she told then, they then walked away in spreded directions before coming back. although it took sometime, so while she waited, nova sat warmly next to the fire.
He walked past her, not really paying any attention.
she heard footsteps behind her, and with a wave of her right hand, the mos went up and grabbed him by the waist. she stood up and walked towards him, and looked up at him. she tilted her head a little.
He pried at the moss, surprised. "What the!?" He pulled a knife from a sheath in his sleeve, cutting at the moss.
although he tried to cut it, it would just grow back.
"Let me go!"
she broght him closer and she looked in his eyes before saying, " Not family" her eyes turned back to normal before collapsing, she got back up and rubbed her eyes. she gasped when she saw what was happening. she made the mos go away and scooched back.
" S-sorry..." she said, covering her face with her hands.
" S-sorry..." she said, covering her face with her hands.
" p-please don't hurt me..."
He took an involuntary step backwards, unsure of what to do.
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