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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

Anna (played anonymously)

He smiled “Well Get used to being here
Because you are never leaving.”

He smiled
“Want a scarf”
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" whatever you gotta tell yourself, PERV!!!!" ( smol beans broken :( )
Anna (played anonymously)

He turned back to human
“Well just cuz you’re prisoners doesn’t mean I will mistreat you””.
Want a twinkle?”
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Her eyes got so wide that it looked like they werent eyes, " i dont trust pervs and, POISON!!!!"
Anna (played anonymously)

“Ok whatever “
He ate part of it
“Do you want anything els? Also I’m not a Pervert!!!”
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

singsongy, " YOU ARE A PERRRRRRVERRRRRRT! YES, YES YOU ARE!!!!!!" she kept singing, they couldent shut her up...
Anna (played anonymously)

He rolled his eyes
As Anna smiles slightly.
“Jason where is Erik?”
He smiled “he is taking care of something at the moment”
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

( my ears! ) she then started to laugh uncontrolabley, soon she screamed the volume was so loud it even left ringing in her ears, " LILLY!!!! HELP!! DELTA?!" she then stopped, looking around, she mouthed to Anna, ' cover your ears.'
(( o shiz...))
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" KITTY KITTY KITTYYYYY!!!" the yell could probably be heard from across the state. when nothing happened, lora started loosing hope...
Anna (played anonymously)

Anna (played anonymously)

Jason hissed
“Shut up or I’ll rip your toung out and stuff it down your throte!”
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she just stared at the floor. noone could see her face
Anna (played anonymously)

Lol No I rarely get scared))

Jason sneered
“We only need Anna”
Peter rushed in and picked her up.
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she looked up, blood was dripping from her eyes, her teeth in a crooked smile. " no... ill stay, ill stay quiet..." for some reason her voice sent shivers down everyones spine.
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" ... "
Anna (played anonymously)

Jason smirks
“Peter Get me a knife .”
“No!” Anna said “please?”
He sighs
“ fine never mind “
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

(( she could be manipulated easily... )) "try... im dieing anywayse..." she added a small chuckle after that
Anna (played anonymously)

Jason picked her up. Wrapping a bandage around her bloody face
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she tried to shake it off, it dident work. " can i at least have some ADAM... i need it to live..." (( ps, she's not trying to trick, she lost hope... ))
Anna (played anonymously)

He sighs
“Im sorry I don’t know what that is”

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