she currled up. shivering. the figures came back, and she peeked up, she screamed before her shivers turned to trembles.
"Um... you okay, kid?"
they looked to fen, and looked back at Nova, the dad apperantly had a baseball bat now. it had nails in it. he took a swing at him.
He sidestepped the bat, grabbing the man's wrist as he swung, twisting it and snapping his wrist, then kneeing him in the chest.
she looked up for a split second before swinging some mos at them. they all fell down. the mos looked like chains, and tied them to the ground. " stop..." she said to them. they froze. and she started to calm down.
He struggled against the chains, before calming down.
she let him go, " I-i dident mean t-to chain y-you. Please dont hurt me..." she walked back a few steps before sitting on the ground and put her knees to her chest.
He stumbled to his feet, shooting an angry look at the man with the bat, then ran away.
she watched as he ran away. she walked up to them and got a shard of the mos. she stabbed each one in the chest and head until they stopped moving. she then walked away. after a few minuets she saw a peson, he was a male. looked pretty financhally stable. she walked towards him, and near a brick wall.
" can i have some money, P-please?" she asked the man. he smiled and said, " no..." his smile faded, " now scatter kid. he said slapping her face. she fell to the floor and began to cry, although her tears were that green stuff again. she then just sat there crying and sitting in a dark alley.
" can i have some money, P-please?" she asked the man. he smiled and said, " no..." his smile faded, " now scatter kid. he said slapping her face. she fell to the floor and began to cry, although her tears were that green stuff again. she then just sat there crying and sitting in a dark alley.
her stomach growled and she grasped it, she stopped crying, and laid down. closing her eyes as she tried to sleep.
He saw her in the alleyway and sighed, pulling some money from his pocket. "Hey, you alright?"
she flinched at his voice. she dident answer but stared at him, nodding.
"Wait... what happened to those other people?"
she tossed the shard at his feet, it had a bit of dried blood on the end
"..." He turned and walked away.
she looke at the floor blankly, and currled back up. " its probably good that nobody loves me..." she whispered to herself.
He didn't hear her and kept moving.
" bye i guess..." she told him. staying put.
He muttered something along the lines of 'Stupid conscience.' as he turned around and handed her some money.
she looked up at his hand and the money in shock. hesitating to take it. " i-It's not a t-trap, ri-right?"
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