He sighed. "No, but i'm regretting this already. Just take the money, ok?"
she took the money, looking at it in amazment. as if she'd never seen it before. " thank you." she said, standing up and looking around to see a McDonalds nearby. she walked to it and stopped at the door. tapping it but it wouldent open.
" crap..." she said under her breath.
" crap..." she said under her breath.
He sighed. "It's a pull door."
" a-a what?"
He pulled the door open.
" oh, thank you. " she then walked in walking to the regester, ordering a #9 with medium fries, and a water. she took it and sat at a table. as soon as she took a bite, her eyes lit up with excitement. scarfing down the rest.
He chuckled at her enthusiasm and turned to leave.
" t-thank you sir. " she said as soon as she finished the fries. she walked next to him before...
He raised an eyebrow. "It's fine, kid."
she smiled and looked up at him.
"So, do you have anywhere to stay?"
she shook her head. and said, " i lived in a glass cell all my life..."
" meh, it was okay. one meal a day, nice bed, great walls for watching people pass bye. trying to see what their saying." she gave a fake smile.
He was pissed. "And who put you in there?"
" father..." she looked unconfortable and sad when she said his 'name'.
“I wouldn’t trust her if I were you,” a voice whispered in his head, “she killed those she wished for; a fair warning, especially for a male.”
she looked at her hands and pretty much hugged herself. she looked like she was hurting. like she was reliving a terrible moment.
"And what happened to him?"
she shrugged, " idonno. he went on a diffrent plane. "
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