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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she hesitently opened the door and peeked through the crack.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"Anyone home?"
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she opened the door all the way, " fen?" she asked tilting her head. immidiatly hiding the needle behind her back.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He raised an eyebrow. "What is this place?"
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she shrugged, " i just found it. thought it was cool..."
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He then kicked her feet out from under her, grabbed the needle and jabbed it into his neck, black veins spreading across him as he died.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

"Alright, i'll go."
Arun-Ja (played by Arcol)

This wasn’t where he had intended to end up; he was certain the portal to Avantianor was the one he had crossed, though that was not the case. He wandered through the wooded area, careful not to attract attention just yet.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He headed back to the tree where he was earlier and resumed whittling, shavings of wood falling down onto anything below.
Arun-Ja (played by Arcol)


He saw the little shavings, but truly though little of it; if he needed to, he would be ready to fight off whatever came his way.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He didn't notice the figure below him, continuing to whittle, and beginning to hum.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Nova sighed with relief as she closed the door. she looked at the needle and sighed once more. putting it on a small wooden table. then she sat down by a window, looking out at the birds, squirrels, raccoons, and other animals.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He sighed, looking around for something else to do, starting to get bored of whittling.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Nova looked back to the needle, trying to get all the toughts out of her head as she watched some deer walk by. she sighed, and picked up the needle, putting it in a box and closing it. she then walked back to the window and stared out, thinking of what to do next.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He hopped off the branch, nearly landing on Arcol, and headed in the direction of a cave, concealed within a grove of trees and covered in vines and moss.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Nova yawned, her eyes got heavy. next thing she knew, she was asleep by the window, her fist by her head, holding it up.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He slipped into the cave, pulling a cot from a shelf of stone and curling up on it, quickly falling asleep.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

her dreams werent good, but not all that bad. she woke up, and moved to the floor, she dident see the bed, falling back asleep, the dream was diffrent, now she was tossing and turning. her breathing was intensifying, as she began to cry a little. she bolted up, awake, and not planning on sleeping again. she sat there, faintly rocking herself. trying to get the dream into the back of her minds, with the others.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He was snoring gently, a few wolves asleep deeper in the cave. Gently glowing runes spread orange light across the cave, illuminating a few splotches of dried blood on the walls.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Nova, clenched her eyes closed. shaking, as the dreams echoed in her mind.

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