One of the wolves woke up, walking over to Fen and snarling.
her head started to throb, her fists were clenched, and she changed her deating to criss cross. she took a few deep breaths before whispering to herself, " im not letting it happen again..."
she trembled as her head became light, then she lost conchaseness, fainting onto the floor. her breathing steady.
she trembled as her head became light, then she lost conchaseness, fainting onto the floor. her breathing steady.
He pushed the wolf's head away gently, mumbling something about sandwiches and how he didn't want to go, before settling back into a deep slumber.
every few minuets, she would move her head, and mumble. but she stayed with no conchaseness.
He woke up with a yawn, apparently not noticing the wolves, and exiting the cave.

her eyes were still closed, as she kept tossing and turning every minuet.
He headed towards the treehouse.
she couldent stop thinking about the vial and what to do with it.
He climbed up and knocked on the door. "You okay?"
she flinched awake. her breathing pretty heavy, " w-what?" she asked
“Kill her,” raspy whispers in his mind, “before she wakes.”
she rubbed her eyes as she started to awake. her head pounded, but she stood up werrily.
He opened the door, carefully entering the treehouse. "Hey, um, you alright?" He ignored the whispers for now, but his hand instinctively moved towards the handle of a knife on his belt.
" mmm-y-yeah. just a n-nightmare is all..." she rubbed one of her arms, looking down at the floor meekly.
“Kill her now, before she can attack.”
His hand tightened around the hilt of his dagger, but he didn't draw it.
she looked at the dagger, and looked up at him with a face that asked, ' why?' she looked away, " he's talking to you... huh? Netharan? telling you to kill me?" she chuckled a bit, " well, DO IT!" she yelled, " end my suffering, and then he can't use me no more!" she stared to look derranged from lack of sleep, " I'LL JUST COME BACK AGAIN!" she said before collapsing onto the floor, sobbing.
"Uh...." He backed away, leaving the treehouse.
“She’s using your mind; kill her now, show no remorse.”
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