He winced as Netharan's voice rang out inside his head. "How do I know she's using me?"
“Emotion is a catalyst of decision; kill her before your sorrow stays your blade, before her tears cause yours to flow.”
"If you can prove I can't trust her, then fine."
she continued to sobb, her cheeks getting stained by the tears.
“She is manipulating you into sparing her; kill her before it’s too late.”
she stopped crying -as hard- and said, " netharan, you know if he kills me, ill come back, but not in tackt with your STUPID contract, right?"
“You cannot escape me in life, and you won’t in death; kill her, that she may return in misery.”
" sure, whatever you gotta tell yourself, old box man..." she said looking at the floor, she let out a cough.
He was silent for a moment, then had a realization. "She tried to break the contract, didn't she?"
she stared silently at the floor, thinking of the syringe. and what would happen, if she used it. (( p.s.) if we use the nurotoxin, it will change the story. ))
“She tried and failed; what does it matter.”
she kept staring at the floor, " i already have HER in my head, i cant focus with two voices, i need them out, i want them out, i want a home, i want a life, i want DEATH... I NEED DEATH!" she started to giggle, the giggle turned to a laugh, and that laugh turned maniacal. she looked to fen, shoving him out the door, but not enough to hurt him, or push him off. she then slammed the door.
she grabbed every bit of furniture there was, putting it by the door and windows, she then collapsed and coughed up the green stuff again.
“Good job, laddie,” a new voice, with a slight Scottish accent, chuckled , “you drove her mad; that’s my style there. Or is it? Does it even matter? I don’t care; I love it! Keep vomiting; I’m quite fond of you. Mm, fondue. What was I saying?”
He winced as the new voice entered his head, muttering something rather rude.
she looked at the syringe in the middle of the floor. she crawled to it and grabbed it, fiddling with the tip. smiling, unemotionally.
He turned to her to see the freaking GIANT NEEDLE, pulling a knife from his belt and hurling it at the syringe.
she looked at the label again before sighing, and setting it down in front of her. as if to teese herself with torture. she just sat there. listening as she heard a mutter from fen behind the door. (( she pushed him our, remember...))
* out not our
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