"What does fondue have to do with anything? Also, can I have some?"
“Only if you want my gift,” he continued, “I’m Sheogorath, or Kasios if you prefer the Itarian version.”
" who-who are you talking to?"
she asked fen
"SOme random voice in my head, yes i'm probably insane, moving on, JUST GET A JOB CHILD AND FIND SOMETHING MEANINGFUL TO DO!"
she scooched back more into the corner, hiding herself in her hands, her eyes filled with tears again. ' why is he scaring me?' she asked herself in her mind.
“This guy’s speaking my language,” he laughed, “would you care for a strawberry torte?”
He winced and rubbed his head, muttering something in an ancient language to prevent mind-altering effects. "Sorry kid, i'm just... not feeling well, is all."
she waved her hand and the green stuff came making a confy bed for him to lie on, she made herself one too, still in the corner.
He sat on the bed, gritting his teeth. "So, as I was trying to say, just... try and find something you like to do, and do it."
“BORING,” the voice groaned, “what happened to her madness? I’ll tear out your intestines and skip rope with them if you don’t do something fun.”
she mumbled under her breath super quietly, " i dont think killing would be a job... its the only thing i can do..."
He didn't hear the voice very well, shoving to his subconcious. "What was that?" He asked her, not having heard her either.
" u-um-u i-i-i um..." she looked away, pretty much it was oviouse she was hiding something.
He shrugged and relaxed on the moss-thingy.
" j-just me thinking o-of some jobs..." she said, giving a fake smile. then lying on er side the other way from fen, she couldent fall asleef
* asleep
((Also, please note, Fen's mental protections and magic skills are very weak, especially when he's sleeping)) He lied down on the bed, shifted around to get comfortable, and fell asleep.
“An Assassin,” a new voice, deep and cruel, spoke, “that is what she desires to become; send me their souls and drink their blood in my name.”
" shut up..." she told the voice in her mind. even if he was talking to him insted. " he. is. sleeping..."
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