" the stuff in my needle, its in every being in rapture, my needle, it helps me extract it, so me and my lilly can live... she protects, i feed, we live, we keep sanity... or thats how it was supposed to go..."( there is no grammer mistakes, well none nonintentional)
He reached in to her pocket and injected her with it
“Ther you go. Let me know if you need anything else”
“Ther you go. Let me know if you need anything else”
" thank you, Mr. B-" she then relized that he wasent who she thought. she hoped he dident hear what she said.
“Mr. what?”
" M-Mr. Bubbles...." she said.
(( thats what the little sisters call the Big Daddys because they think of them as a knight in shining armor, they cant see reality like we do, its like a fary tail to them. so she thought sence he did a ' nice-nice' she calls it, she saw him - for a split second- as a Big Daddy, or a knight in shining armor. she had one of her own, but he died, and was picked up by lilly, and they bonded. now lilly's like her new knight.))
(( thats what the little sisters call the Big Daddys because they think of them as a knight in shining armor, they cant see reality like we do, its like a fary tail to them. so she thought sence he did a ' nice-nice' she calls it, she saw him - for a split second- as a Big Daddy, or a knight in shining armor. she had one of her own, but he died, and was picked up by lilly, and they bonded. now lilly's like her new knight.))
He smiled and put her down
“Look kid. Everything were doing is necessary for the good of mutants. Perhaps I can make sure you don’t get hurt during the war“
He smiled and put her down
“Look kid. Everything were doing is necessary for the good of mutants. Perhaps I can make sure you don’t get hurt during the war“
" ..." she looked down. " and my lilly?" she whispered
“She won’t trust me. Look I’m only doing this because I’d rather not see you die. You could be useful to the brotherhood “
she nodded, (( AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! )) " will Anna be ok?" she said pointing at her
“ she’ll be fine. she’s going to be joining the brotherhood. I’m going to make sure no one hurts her. If anyone tries”
His hands are transformed into a Lions Paw with a razor sharp claws. Then back to human .
“ they will regret it”
His hands are transformed into a Lions Paw with a razor sharp claws. Then back to human .
“ they will regret it”
she smiled an nodded
Peter put Anna down
“ sorry about that sis “
He said
Say sighed
“It’s fine “
Jason smiled
“ so where is Lily and the others ?”
“ sorry about that sis “
He said
Say sighed
“It’s fine “
Jason smiled
“ so where is Lily and the others ?”
she shrugged, " all i know is i teliported them to a safe space..."
“ can you lead them to me ?”
" im sorry, don't know where they are, and i'd probably be able to go teliport to them, if i was in Rapture, and if i had a little EVE... when i get back to where i was, i can remember where i put them..." (( YAY! I WISH I COULD GIIVE YOU A PRESENT, BUT 1 I dont have money, and 2 i dont have anything in my inventory

“ i’m afraid we can’t let you leave. I’m sorry “
He said
(( awww thanks I would also like to give you a gift but I also have no money *catapults an imaginary present to you*))
He said
(( awww thanks I would also like to give you a gift but I also have no money *catapults an imaginary present to you*))
Wait a minute, I didn’t get any links. ))
" okay... " she looked back at the floor.
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