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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He mumbled something in his sleep, shifting around a bit.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she just laid there, for what seemed like hours. the celing seemed more interesting than everything else going on. she still thought about her new body...
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

"is that all the syringe did?" she asked aloud.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He shuddered in his sleep, mumbling something about cheeseburgers.
Nova (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she chuckled a little under her breath at this. she then fell asleep.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

He woke up a while later, looking around blearily before shrugging and lying back down, holding a small red gemstone in his hands as he looked at it. After a bit he put it back into his pocket and fell back asleep.
Fen (played by StereotypeAgain)

((Scanning brain-hole...___
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

(( im listening to all the diffrent megalovainias right now! XD
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

(( error;"thats alot of people..." Emmie; " nah... ive seen more..."
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Blue & Error; ? Emmie; " Temmies..." Blue & Error; " OOOOOOH!"
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she looked at the ground on her hands and knees, blood dripping from her nose. she used her index finger to wipe it away. she then grabbed her books and started to walk to her locker. moving her hair to cover her , now black, eye. she grabbed her MP3 player, putting the earbuds in and listening to her music. she grabbed her stuff and walked to history class.
He was sitting in the corner of the class, his head lying on his desk as he snored quietly, muttering something about bacon. He lifted his head for a second to look around, didn't see anything interesting, and went back to sleep.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

her ears went back, she sat in one of the corners. she hated history. noone she knew was there. well, all except the bullies. she set her books down, then got out her sketch book. she began drawing, it was a beautifull winter landscape. she stayed silent untill the teacher came in. she then paused her music, took out her ear buds, and put her scetch stuff away.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

He sat up as the teacher entered, sighing. "Great, time to learn about a war hundreds of years ago from someone who lived through it." He said to nobody in particular with a slight chuckle at his own words.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

(( srry had to do a test))

she heard what he said faintly. her ears twitched, and she giggled under her breath. she then looked up to the board as the teacher turned and scanned the room. she then wrote down some of the notes as he continued the lesson.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

* sits on invisible chair * peoples! im booooooooored! * PJ walks in* " hey! you took my line!" * Emmie smiles * " ya' snooze ya' loose... plus..." * pull out a taco* " im trying to LETTUS rp, i need to TACObout my feewings..." * PJ stares before busting out laughing * " OH MY GOD!!! " XD " what? did i get your FUNNY BONE? cause I thought it was a RIB TICKLER! " * PJ is prettymuch dieing. blue runs in* " ORANGE HAS INFECTED YOU WITH HIS HORRIBLE PUNS!!!"
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" well, i thought they were SANSational!" jazz hands.
blue summons a bone army.
" oh shiz..." OwO. Emmie gets impaled PJ stops laughing.
" BLUE!" pj yells, " SORRY!!!" blue yells back.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

Emmie fazes through the bone and stands up. " oh look... ive been impaled..."
blue cocks his head before realizing it was a frozen refrence, " OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" PJ face palms.

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