(( nvm... * smiles maniacaly * hehehe
He sighed, sitting up and paying some attention to the lesson, occasionally jotting down notes at seemingly random points. After the teacher had been, well, teaching for a while, he made one last note, flicked something into his hand and pressed it to the paper, and fell back asleep.
as the teacher finished, the bell rang. he then gave us all homework. and she started speed walking to her locker before she would get beat again...
He headed to his locker, the homework stuffed into his backpack. He opened his locker and put a few textbooks in, pulling out a few others for his next class, sighing. "Why does school take so long?"
as she grabbed her books for music, she then felt a hand on her shoulder. she turned around to see, Amy...
" a-amy, to what do i-i owe the pl-pleasure?" she said pretty sarcasticly, she then got punched her in the jaw. she fell to the ground to just get kicked. she just stayed there, taking the hits...
" a-amy, to what do i-i owe the pl-pleasure?" she said pretty sarcasticly, she then got punched her in the jaw. she fell to the ground to just get kicked. she just stayed there, taking the hits...
He turned over to see her getting oofed, his left eye twitching. He pulled a school yearbook from his backpack and made an X over one of the pictures, before walking over to them, hitting Amy in the back of the head with said yearbook, and walking away, a cocksure grin on his face the whole time.
she staggered up, grasping the lockers to get on her legs. she coughed a little as some blood from her lip fell on the floor. she opened her locker and grabbed some tissues, before heading to class.
He walked into the class, headed to the same seat he always sits in, no matter what class it is, opened his textbook, and sat there, waiting for the teacher.
as she stepped in, she saw Blue and Cross sitting at there desks in the class, she sat down next to them, as blue stared in shock at her lip,
" EMMIE! ARE YOU OKAY!?" he yelled, Cross then added without pinpricks, " who do i need to kill..."
" it- its nothing guys" she said scratching the back of her head, " it was just Amy being Amy..."
" EMMIE! ARE YOU OKAY!?" he yelled, Cross then added without pinpricks, " who do i need to kill..."
" it- its nothing guys" she said scratching the back of her head, " it was just Amy being Amy..."
He raised an eyebrow at Blue's outburst, before shrugging and wiping some blood off of his yearbook, before kicking back in his chair and polishing a small brass orb that he pulled from, well, nowhere. He pressed a button on the orb, flipping it open, looked at something in it, and closed it, flicking his hand and making it disappear.
Emmie looked at the floor as Cross started rage swearing under his breath. she chuckled at this a little. soon she heard the door open and close as the teacher walked in, " hello kids, welcone to MUSIC~" she said music in a melodic tone. " today you will pair up and find a song to sing."
her stomach twisted at this, seeing blue go and cross too.. she looked and saw only one person was left without a partner...
He slammed his head into the table with a groan, hating singing, people, and cooperation at the moment. Or he was just tired. Probably that.
she took a deep breath in and held it, she then walked up to the guy with his head slammed on his desk. she tapped his shoulder lightly. and waited for him to respond.
He mumbled something, not moving his head.
" u-um, w-we need to pair up... if-if you wa-want... i can do all the wo-work... i-im used to i-it." she said with a shy smile.
He raised his head when she said that, visibly annoyed. "Nope. Not letting you do all the work." He then sighed and checked his watch. "Let's just get this over with."
she looked to the floor, rubbing her arm. the hood of her jacket made shadows cast over her eyes. she then nodded faintly and got out her MP3 player.
" I have a bunch of songs on here," she smiled a little and held out her player.
" I have a bunch of songs on here," she smiled a little and held out her player.
He nodded. "Alright, got any you like?" He asked, not wanting to force or let her do all the work, but also not really caring about the assignment much.
"they ar-are all the ones i like, bu-but my favorite would have to be ' my boy' by Billie Ellish," she flipped to a song and showed the picture.
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