she quickly got her stuff for science. grabbing a notebook, and pretty much runs to the classroom to be met with annother skeleton, he wore a red scarf, and had a red slash on his stomach, " hey, geno!"
He grabbed his bags and headed to science, still smirking.
she sat down at a desk in the classroom. all the way in the back. she then started to draw a unicorn.
He was sitting in the corner, as per usual, and asleep. He was snoring quietly, occasionally muttering something.
as soon as the teacher walked in she tapped Nakon on the shoulder.
He jerked awake with a start. "SANDWICHLEMONOXYGENCHICKENNIBBLE!?!?"
"AAH!" she fell backwards from her chair. she then just laid on the floor, looking up at the celing.
" ow..." she said rubbing the back of her head before Geno helped her up.
" you good?" he asked. she nodded.
" you good?" he asked. she nodded.
"Oh, um, hi." He said, awkward.
Geno waved, and looked back at Emmie before walking back to his seat.
Emmie then pointed to the board, and started taking notes.
Emmie then pointed to the board, and started taking notes.
He nodded and took notes as the teacher talked, kind of nervous that the teacher would be mad.
" and so... if we bla bla bla..." Emmie dident really pay attention. she wrote down what was on the board though.
He yawned, taking notes at the important parts, but not paying much attention.
soon the bell rang and she walked out. as soon as she got there she felt something small hit the back of her head, she picked it out of her hair, looking at a spitball. she threw it on the floor, pulled up her hood, and walked to the field for her freetime.
He sat down in the hall and started whittling a block of wood during his freetime, humming quietly as it started to take shape. He smiled as he neared completion, a rough block of wood becoming a miniature wooden bear.
she looked down at her sketch book and opened to a random blank page, trying to draw when she just sighed, putting away the book, she then loos around, seeing noone was there, she took out her soul. she frowned as she saw the poor clear soul, cracks going down it. she put it back in her chest, it had been hurting more.
He finished his carving and put it in his bag, stretching as he stood up.
she looked to the grass, her hood making a shadow over her face. " im so pathetic..." she mumbled as tears flooded her eyes. she blinked and a single tear streamed down her cheek.
He was heading across the field, looking for a good branch or chunk of wood he could carve when he saw her and sighed. He walked over to her and sat down next to her. "You alright?" He asked, worried.
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