she flinched, whiping her cheeks almost automatically. " i-im fin-ne. just got so-some dirt im m-my eyes!" she said giving a forced smile.
He raised an eyebrow, not believing her. "Look, I can help. But if you don't want help, or you want to deal with whatever it is alone, that's fine. Just talk to me."
her smile faded, and she let out a sigh, " i- well, it-its my soul..." she looked away at the grass again.
"By soul, do you mean, like, religious, or the physical manifestation of one's life force?" He asked.
she held up two fingers.
"Ah. That probably isn't a good thing. What's wrong with it?"
she let out a giant sigh before turning to him, " you g-gotta prom-promice not to tell a-anyone... ESPECIALLY THE SANS'!!"
He nodded. "I won't, don't worry."
she took a deep breth in and pulled out her soul. it was full clear, and had cracks all over it...and they were... rainbow?
"Um... i'm not really sure what that means." He said awkwardly. "Is it breaking, or are you, like, going Super Sayan, or something?"
she giggles at that, but stops abruptly as annother crack appears. she collapses to the floor. throwing up... blood?! she stared at it, horror in her eyes. wiping the blood from her lip. she threw up more, as her body contorted with a very painful crack. grasping her hair, and gasping for breath, coughing every few seconds.
(( is it weird that as soon as I re-read my previouse pharagraph, i laughed... nah...
yeah... ))
(( tilts head to the side, " wha?"
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