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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" i--" the bell rang, " welp! gotta g-go!" she says.
~ le time skipp brought to you by dancing llamas ~
stumbling towards the door. soon the day was over. Emmiliene avoided all of the sanses, walking to her old house, she swore to never set foot in that house again, but here she was. she walked in, using the old house key she had. walking up to her room.
He finished his carving a bit after school would have ended, fixing it into place on the ceiling of the cave, causing a glow to spread throughout the cave for a few seconds, illuminationg hundreds of similarily carved gems. He sighed as the light dimmed and disappeared, falling asleep in his little nook.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

as she heard a car drive into the driveway, her eyes widened as she knew who it was. and she didn't want him to see her there... she ran downstairs and locked the door, moving the couch to the door, and locking all the windows and back door.
He shifted slightly in his sleep, the hundreds of carved stones inset against the floor, walls, and ceiling of the cave faintly glowing an agitated red.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

suddenly the back door was burst open, a man ran up to her a knife in hand, he reeked of aucohol, aiming the knife at her head, " listen here b****, you think you can take my house, well, im not dead..." he smiled maniacally, jabbing the knife into her neck, she screamed, ' this is why... why did I come here? why did I not just go to my real home? why did I have to come back...' her thoughts faded as she ran out, after grabbing her bag, getting lightheaded from loss of blood. running into the woods, she collapsed. passing out.
He woke up with a sigh and headed out into the woods, taking out a few deer that got stuck in his traps. He dragged them back to the cave, not noticing her unconcious body on the way.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

her eyes slowly fluttered opened, " h-how am I not d-dead?" she asked herself.
He was cutting up the deer, cooking some of the meat over a fire and salting the rest for preservation, before putting the salted meat in a small room surrounded by blue crystals, most of them carved with a symbol looking somewhat like a stylized F.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she staggered up like a baby deer. she then looked to where she was, forgetting the knife in her neck. " hello?! anybody here?!" she yelled, her throught hurt, but she didn't mind.
((ok, I'll try introducing my character in this RP if you don't mind.))
It had been a long day for Daniel. The opening of the Dawnshield Private Investigation Agency in this town had taken a lot of time - talking with the mayor, signing the last papers, the official ceremony - and all of the employees were in a sleepy mood. The few cases they had been reported were nothing unusual, so he hadn't taken any for himself and was just waiting in his office for a new client to enter.
He read the report about the town again : small, quite wealthy, no unusual problems and no mutants. These beings had been quite the biggest source of trouble for towns, and to some extent part of the business's success : you couldn't claim to the police you had been attacked by something unexplainable with the current science, whilst the Dawnshield investigated those cases too.
He took a bite from some of the venison he'd cooked, enjoying the juicy and flavorful meat, the smoke from the fire and scent of cooking food wafting throughout the foresnt.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

as soon as noone answered her, she got on the floor and currled up. grasping her head, and crying. suddenly the voice came back...
" WHY THE HELL DID YOU GO BACK TO THAT STUPID PLACE!? YOUR SO STUPID, DUMB, A WASTE OF LIFE!!!" the noise yelled. she shivered at every word.
He heard her, the sound indistinct, and he headed towards her, the meat he was eating discarded and the fire doused. He was holding a small metal tube, pointing it in the direction the sound came from as he moved towards it.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she kept her place, trying to silently cry, but failing. she barely remembered the knife in her neck. ' I'll keep it there, see how long it takes to bleed out...' she thought to herself.
the voice kept blabering on, pretty much shaking, she drowned in her thoughts.
"Who's out there? I'll warn you, I'm armed!" He said, unable to see her as he slowly moved towards her.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" h-huh?" she whimpered. looking for the voice of the noise.
"Anyone there?" He asked, stopping as the tube extended into a long metallic spear, the end razor-sharp and barbed.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she werrily stood up, ' what do I have to loose?' she asked. looking for the voice, her head darted right and left.
He walked out of a bush, lowering the spear slightly upon seeing her. "What the hell happened to you?"
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" n-na-kon!?" she said almost yelling, before hugging him, whilst crying on his shoulder. she sat there for a while before pulling back, " s-sorry, It's been a pretty b-bad aftern-noon..." she then looked down to the grass, twiddling her thumbs.

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