"......" He pressed a button on the spear, retracting it. "Follow me. I assume you're hungry?" He asked, sighing and muttering to himself how he promised someone he wouldn't get involved.
she just shakily nodded, pulling her hood over her head, " mmhmm..." she said, kainda hearing the mutter, " u-um, if you d-don't want m-me here. I-I can go..." she pointed behind her with her thumb.
"Nope, come on. I have some venison. Unless you're vegetarian." He said, his words clipped and sounded moderately agitated.
" nah, im a Neko... cat's can only taste meat..." she states. (( also true about cats ))
"Good." He said, nearing the cave. "Cooked meat's on a spit above the fire's ashes, salted meat in the storage room.
she looked down at the floor, then remembered the knife, " oh shIZZLE..." she said, a kindof diffrent voice adding izzle after sh. she grabbed the handle and whinced in pain.
He shrugged and headed into the cave, slipping into his hidden alcove, the gems covering the inside of the cave flashing a dim white, before blacking out entirely.
she looked at them in awe. " cool..." she whispered to herself.
"Yep." He said, closing his eyes as his voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, the gems gaining a slight green tinge as his voice came through them/
she yawned, looking out and seeing a flash of...something... out there. she tilted her head in confusion
" nightmare?" she asked under her breth.
"Hm?" He asked, not really having heard her.
she let out a sigh, " I'll beright back... she said before stepping out of the cave.
" nightmare, come out, I know your here. " she said simpley. a skeleton covered in black goo with tenticals walked up with an annoied huff, " how'd ya know?"
" I could smell you..." she simply stated.
" nightmare, come out, I know your here. " she said simpley. a skeleton covered in black goo with tenticals walked up with an annoied huff, " how'd ya know?"
" I could smell you..." she simply stated.
He shrugged again and fell asleep, the gems inset in the cave absorbing light, turning the inside pitch-black.
as soon as he saw her, his eyes went black, pointing to the knife, "what...happened?" he said demonically.
" dad..." she stated, he looked surprised,.
" dad..." she stated, he looked surprised,.
" WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GO BACK THERE!?!?" he yelled, she shrugged, lying, " i-i don't kn-know..."
He was still asleep, paying no attention to either of them.
she sooed in off, eventually, and walked back into the cave, sitting criss cross, stareing at the floor. not showing any emotion, she carelessly yanked the knife from her neck, blood dribbled into her jacket, and she just didn't care...
she laid down, stareing at the wall.
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