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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

He mumbled something in his sleep, before waking up with a start, all the gems turning a bright violent red, his alcove sealing itself off as the moon rose in the night sky.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she looked over to him from the other side of the room, " y-you good?" she asked.
He let out a series of swears, the alcove re-opening. "SOmeone set ff the perimiter alarm."
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

"what's that mean?" she asked sitting up, itching the back of her head, when her hand came back it was almost doused in blood. but she ignored it.
"Someone's here who shouldn't be." He said, grabbing his spear.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

"oh..." she said. staring at the floor. "do I go out?" she asks as she summons her sythe.
He shrugged. "Your choice."
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" meh, I don't want to be a waste, plus i got nothin better to do..." she stood up, getting into a fighting stance.
He extended his spear and headed out of the cave, looking for the source of the alarm.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she followed close behind
He frowned, confused. "Huh, they should be right here." He said, looking at a small gemstone inlaid into a tree trunk. "So, either they left, or.."
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" ... " she stayed silent, twirrling her sythe in her hands.
He shrugged. "Well, I need to get some sleep."
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" mmmmmk!" she said walking back to the cave. sitting down, she turned onto her side.
He headed to his nook and slept. "G'night."
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" night..." she said monotonely, touching the bloodie hole in her neck with a wince in pain. she just closed her eyes and slowly drifted off into sleep.
He fell back asleep, the gems around Emmi glowing with a faint whitish green light, healing the hole.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she moved a little in her sleep, every few moments she'd mumble to herself.
He didn't really do much as he slept. He muttered a bit about lemons, but that's it.
Emmiliene (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

she sat up, it was 3 AM. she mumbled something to herself. rubbing her eyes.

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