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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

Anna (played anonymously)

He hissed
“Well my boss wants his daughter”
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

He pulled out the knife and slowly stood up behind Jason, as quiet as the chain would let him be.
' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" too bad..." she smirked and fiddled with the sissors again. (( if u think viper's bad, she learned it all from this gurl! ;) ))
Anna (played anonymously)

Jason shoved him away with his wings
' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" FINALLY!" she then got her sissors ready... and the man stayed there... " ill let her have her fun, " he mumbled, he then added a chuckle. he then looked towards Finn, his smile seemed to get, wider... then there was a hand covering finns mouth, it had a black glove on, the hand belonged to a man with black coverings, and a blue mask, he also madde the sign as if to tell him not to scream. there was black goo coming out of his eyesokets in the mask. lora looked at an old camera on the table, it turned on and a person, dressed as link from ledgend of zelda walked out, he had bopped corn and sat next to the other guy. his eyes were black with red irises, and there was red marks under it, like tears. where was the next person gonna come out of? the fridge?the other two took hold of the girls and all of a sudden... blackout...
Anna (played anonymously)

Jason smirked at her
“Why does he want Anna?”
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

His eyes widened as he looked around, yelling from underneath the gloved hand.
' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" nonya!" she then dissapeered, making the same signal as viper does. then e noticed everyone else was gone...
Anna (played anonymously)

The entire wear house started shaking
“ you’d better run Erik is angry”
Anna (played anonymously)

Anna slammed her fist at the thing holding her
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

He stepped on... whatever it was' foot, stabbing the glass into it's chest.
' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" shhhh, calm down. viper wanted boss to tell us to get you... nothing more, nothing less. look at the young one, " he whispered pointing to lora. lora was hugging the dressed up guy.
Anna (played anonymously)

Anna dug her fingers in to it’s eyes
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

He grabbed it's wrist and tried to snap it, hoping it would let him go.
' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

"Ive done worse. to myself too! HA!" (( BLACKOUT!))
Anna (played anonymously)

Anna looked around tieing her pink hair in to a ponytail
' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

you all woke up in a nice room, it was pretty homey, you each had a bed you were resting on. lora was already awake, looking at anna as sh ewas waiting for her to awake.
Anna (played anonymously)

Anna’s sprang up
And looked at Lora
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

He sat straight up, reaching for the glass knife.

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