she smiled, and said, " jeff said you hurt his eyes... i healed them! Ben said viper was coming as soon as he wakes up," she then pointed to finn.
Anna sighed
“ I don’t like being grabbed by wirdo joker like people”
“ I don’t like being grabbed by wirdo joker like people”
“So who is his boss?”
" ill introdise you to them all, and dont worry about being hurt, they love me! and if not, as long as kitty's here were ok, she's stronger than all of them combined... except slendy, but he thinks of me like a daughter."
He looked around frantically, not finding the knife.
"well, slenderman is! "
" look he's awake!" she pointed to finn, " HOI!!" she waved.
She sighed
“Jason is stronger then anything you would understand. And Erik is just Well..”
“Jason is stronger then anything you would understand. And Erik is just Well..”
He looked at her, blinked, and looked around the the room. "What is this place?
she giggled, " your being silly, have you seen them!" she thought it was a joke. when suddenly there was a knock at the door. (( steryotype, you might know who it is...))
He frowned, confused. "Seen who?"
Anna turned to the door
“Soooo who would that be?”
“Soooo who would that be?”
lora opened the door to see a girl, she had black angel wings, and looked at lora" sup, kiddo..." she then gave her a noogie. " kitty and viper are waiting downstairs for you all." she then left.
Anna rolled her eyes
And went downstairs
And went downstairs
Anna crossed her arms looking at viper and Kitty.
“ so why did you bring me here ?”
“ so why did you bring me here ?”
" their was no other way, that guy kicked lillith's @$$..." she crossed her arms too.
" transilate, she was scared!" she smirked and pointed her thumb to Viper.
She raised an eyebrow. Her pink hair hanging messily down her shoulders now in to two braids.
“Um okkkkaaayyy”
She looked at kitty
“ viper who is that?”
“Um okkkkaaayyy”
She looked at kitty
“ viper who is that?”
" no name, just call me kitty..." she made the sign viper uses. " you like cats?"
“ actually yes I had a pet cat back home.”
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