He heard her, the sound indistinct, and he headed towards her, the meat he was eating discarded and the fire doused. He was holding a small metal tube, pointing it in the direction the sound came from as he moved towards it.
she kept her place, trying to silently cry, but failing. she barely remembered the knife in her neck. ' I'll keep it there, see how long it takes to bleed out...' she thought to herself.
the voice kept blabering on, pretty much shaking, she drowned in her thoughts.
the voice kept blabering on, pretty much shaking, she drowned in her thoughts.
"Who's out there? I'll warn you, I'm armed!" He said, unable to see her as he slowly moved towards her.
" h-huh?" she whimpered. looking for the voice of the noise.
"Anyone there?" He asked, stopping as the tube extended into a long metallic spear, the end razor-sharp and barbed.
she werrily stood up, ' what do I have to loose?' she asked. looking for the voice, her head darted right and left.
He walked out of a bush, lowering the spear slightly upon seeing her. "What the hell happened to you?"
" n-na-kon!?" she said almost yelling, before hugging him, whilst crying on his shoulder. she sat there for a while before pulling back, " s-sorry, It's been a pretty b-bad aftern-noon..." she then looked down to the grass, twiddling her thumbs.
"......" He pressed a button on the spear, retracting it. "Follow me. I assume you're hungry?" He asked, sighing and muttering to himself how he promised someone he wouldn't get involved.
she just shakily nodded, pulling her hood over her head, " mmhmm..." she said, kainda hearing the mutter, " u-um, if you d-don't want m-me here. I-I can go..." she pointed behind her with her thumb.
"Nope, come on. I have some venison. Unless you're vegetarian." He said, his words clipped and sounded moderately agitated.
" nah, im a Neko... cat's can only taste meat..." she states. (( also true about cats ))
"Good." He said, nearing the cave. "Cooked meat's on a spit above the fire's ashes, salted meat in the storage room.
she looked down at the floor, then remembered the knife, " oh shIZZLE..." she said, a kindof diffrent voice adding izzle after sh. she grabbed the handle and whinced in pain.
He shrugged and headed into the cave, slipping into his hidden alcove, the gems covering the inside of the cave flashing a dim white, before blacking out entirely.
she looked at them in awe. " cool..." she whispered to herself.
"Yep." He said, closing his eyes as his voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, the gems gaining a slight green tinge as his voice came through them/
she yawned, looking out and seeing a flash of...something... out there. she tilted her head in confusion
" nightmare?" she asked under her breth.
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