she smiled, and whistled, then a black cat walked up, he had a pink ribbon around its neck. its fur was unusually shinny.
Anna smiled
“ other than being inhumanely fast. I also have the ability to connect with animals. Although I don’t think that’s a mutent ability. I think I just got lucky.”
She smiled at the cat
“ other than being inhumanely fast. I also have the ability to connect with animals. Although I don’t think that’s a mutent ability. I think I just got lucky.”
She smiled at the cat
" watch out he's sharp..." then she pointed to its fur. " glass" she said... It had glass fur?! ((
)) The cat rubbed up against kitty's leg, leaving a few ripps, and a little blood. but no wound. " noir, this is..." she looked at you, " what is it?"

“ my name is Anna. And don’t make a jump at frozen”
kitty looked confused, so did viper, " what?" they both said.
She rolled her eyes
“ never mind. So who is this jack the killer whose eyes I hurt ?”
“ never mind. So who is this jack the killer whose eyes I hurt ?”
" oh, lora, where is she?" lora ran up and looked at her. " go to that room," she pointed to a room. Lora ran in.
She leaned against a wall smiling slightly at Lora
She started laughing. and the guy walked out of the cabnet, " HOLY SH-" he almost finished when he fell down and shaked a little. " boss told me not to cuss..." he looked the other way. lora walked back out with annother person. Lilly?
" hey Anna" she waved, she looked exsausted
“Sooooo don’t everyone introduce yourselves at once “
Anna smiled at her
kitty laughed some more, and yelled, " EVERYONE GET DOWN HERE!!" when nobody came she sighed and said, " whoever comes here first can witness me kill a kid..." everyone ran downstairs. Viper chuckeld.
She rolled her eyes
“ you guys are almost as bad as Jason”
“ you guys are almost as bad as Jason”
"BEN" she said pointing to the guy in the link costume, as soon as she said his name he winked and said, " yes sweet cheeks?" kitty picked him up and shoved him into the tv.
" back to buisness, Eyless jack, " she pointed to the guy in black EVERYTHING and the blue mask.
She rolled her eyes again looking at kitty and Ben
She rolled her eyes again looking at kitty and Ben
one person who had goggles, a mask-y thing with a smile over his mouth, he had a plate of waffles. " ticcy toby," a clown, " laughing jack" . Two other people walked in the room, they both had yellow jackets, one had a red smile sewed on his black coverings, the other wore a mask. There was a dog on the couch, it had a smile. - immidiatly her cat went over and fell asleep on top of it.
"Masky" she said pointing to the masked guy, " hoodie" she said to the other. "and smiledog"
“Uggg what are you guys?
Not to be rude or anything .”
(( ha ha she is trying to be rude))
Not to be rude or anything .”
(( ha ha she is trying to be rude))
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