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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Earths Mightiest Heroes; super heroes!!!!

' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" and i believe you've met jack." as soon as she said that, almost everyone gave her a death stare, all exsept viper - who was laughing her head off.- lora, and lilly.
viper (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" we dont ask that question here..." she whispered into her ear, " and yes BEN is just like Jason..."
Anna (played anonymously)

Anna smirked then frowned at Jack
“ I would apologize for trying to poke your eyes out but grabbing someone from behind is not cool so I won’t”
' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

He rolled his eyes and walked upstairs. the clown walked up and gave her a candy, " here you go m'lady." he then kind of bowed. " its not poisoned right?" kitty asked him, " no, i know the rules, no killing guests." he then smiled and walked away.
Anna (played anonymously)

She crushed the candy
“ I don’t eat candy but thank you”
She smiled
' Kitty ' (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

suddenly their was a voice from every direction, " LORA!" a little girl ran down the hallway and gave lora a big hug. (( AAAAAWWWW )) " sally!" lora said hugging her back.
Anna (played anonymously)

“Ummm sally? Anyway Lora do you want a Twinkie?”
She held out a package of Twinkies
Lora (played by SaggyAggy87) Topic Starter

" TWWIIINNNNKKKKKIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" she screamed. she and sally dug into the bag, eating all of them in a split second. (( SHE'S BACK TO NORMAL!!!!))
Anna (played anonymously)

Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

He came out of the room, looking around nervously. ";-;
Anna (played anonymously)

Anna smiled at him and waved
“Hi Finn!”
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

Anna (played anonymously)

Anna smiled
“Don’t worry about them I don’t think they will try to hurt us.”
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

"Who are they? Also, what is this place?"
Anna (played anonymously)

“As far as I can tell they are just a ton of wirdos. And I have no clue where we are.”
She smirked and grabbed him by the neck and pushed him in to a wall
“I didn’t get to finish you earlier Finn. Time to complete to job!”
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

He grabbed her wrists, trying to push her away. "What are you talking about!?"
Jason (played by Ella35)

She ripped them free and shame her fist in to his neck as she started to Change. Her features shifting until Jason stood before him
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

He coughed, unable to breathe. He pried at his arms, trying to get him off.
Jason (played by Ella35)

Jason smirked and long fangs were visible from his mouth
Finn Hardwick (played by StereotypeAgain)

He headbutted him, kneeing him in the groin as he did so.

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