"I must not have hit the wall very hard, so how could I have lost my memory?"
Jason was steadily turning
Reder. “ well I suppose I could tell you the truth. I drugged you and wiped your memory “
Reder. “ well I suppose I could tell you the truth. I drugged you and wiped your memory “
His eye twitched in anger as he pulled a knife from his belt. "And you didn't tell me that because..?"
“ because I want to brainwash you. And would you look at that Eric‘s here”
A man stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing a metal helmet and a yellow and black suit
A man stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing a metal helmet and a yellow and black suit
He rushed Jason, tackling him to the ground and stabbing him in the neck.
Before the blade hit his neck it bent the other way. Simply grazing his shoulder.
Jason hissed in pain and pushed him over
Jason hissed in pain and pushed him over
He rolled to his feet, tossing the knife to the side and charging him again, doing his best to kill him.
Jason kicked him in the face
“Back off punk!”
A few metal bars around the alley started to bend reaching towards Finn as the man with the metal helmet clenched his fist
“Back off punk!”
A few metal bars around the alley started to bend reaching towards Finn as the man with the metal helmet clenched his fist
He skidded backwards towards the alley from the force of the kick, spitting out blood as he stood to his feet unsteadily.
Anna broke free of quicksilver and punched Jason in the face. Knocking him backwards and he slammed into one of the polls
He wiped the blood from his face, noticing the metal bars. "!"
Quicksilver noticed that Jason was unconscious and quickly grabbed Eric and Jason and sped away. As Jason groaned
in pain
in pain
He let out a sigh of relief, ignoring the metal bars.
Anna walked over to him
“ do you think if you bonk your head really hard your memories my come back?”
“ do you think if you bonk your head really hard your memories my come back?”
"The helmet guy is still here, he's kind of creeping me out. ALso, probably not."
"Oh, so that's why my knife missed. What's he doing?"
Magneto spread out his hands in the polls wrapped around both of them.
He strained against the poles, snarling.
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