Anna looked down.Dropping her bag of stuff. She felt queasy. she looked around her and walked in to the building.
what am I supposed to do. God I can’t believe he convinced Peter! she thought
what am I supposed to do. God I can’t believe he convinced Peter! she thought
“Which building had she walked into,” he wondered to himself as she walked away, “she may be essential to my plan.” She sort of reminded him of Volt, though in a different... “no,” he shouted mentally, “I won’t remember; never again!”
The welcome mat. At the entrance of the building that she had gone into had a burn mark down the middle. From her speed most likely.
She sat on a couch in the building. Playing a video game. And trying to ignore her problems.
She sat on a couch in the building. Playing a video game. And trying to ignore her problems.
Cameras lined the walls, watching their every move. They didn’t know that; he had erased any memory of such, or hid them well enough that they never realized it. He watched them all, eyes shifting back to Anna on occasion.
She learned back looking around the room which seems to be full of stolen things. A pair of silver goggles lay on the couch next to her.
She stood up and spead to an old Pac-Man game. And started to play. Biteing back the feeling that something was wrong
“She might be aware,” he figured, “we’ll wait and see, I suppose.” He continued to wait, with nothing else to work on.
She sighed and lay down on a couch. Finally giving in to sleep
she awoke in cold sweat, tears streaming down her face, she stared blankly infront of her. then she turned to her hands, clenching them into fists, she got up and looked out the window. she then realized what she needed to do. she ran into the dining room, scrabbling around to find paper. most were drawn on my lora, but she found a single piece of paper that was clean. she wrote something on it. something she hadent drawn sience, the lab, as she thought about it there was a shiver down her spine. she finished a red and green pentogram. she then hung it over her bed and fell back asleep...
she started mumbling under her breath, " cobra, where are you..." soon she went through her memories, and soon awoke to the dim light of morning. she looked to the mirror to see something, or rather someone, was behind her...
A long streak of silver was heading towards Anna’s house. When it stops by the door it turns out to be Jason clad in black his wings spread out. And a young man with silver hair. “ jezz it’s been a while” the silver one said.
He pushed open the door and spead to the couch Anna was on.
He smiled.
He pushed open the door and spead to the couch Anna was on.
He smiled.
"FFFFFFF--- " she was suddenly unconfortable, she looked at the window that was now smashed open. " DUDE! why in the hell... " she then took a deep breath in, " what are YOU doing in here?"
Attention diverted, multiple entities gathered near the apartment; it was all falling into place. It would be a while before his suit was fully functional once again, but time was on his side; he couldn’t fail, not again.
the being stepped into the light, he was a symbeyote, a purple and black one...
" sup boo... " he then winked...
" sup boo... " he then winked...
" im not your boo..." she pointed a knife towards his neak.
"you know that wont work on me..."
" good enough to try..." she pushed the knife a little harder on his neak.
Jason smirked down at Anna
“ wakey wakey”
Anna sprung up and stumbled back
“ Jason! You got peter to help you? Really my brother?”
Peter smiled
“ I’m the only one who can keep up with you sis.”
“ wakey wakey”
Anna sprung up and stumbled back
“ Jason! You got peter to help you? Really my brother?”
Peter smiled
“ I’m the only one who can keep up with you sis.”
they stared for a while, nothing happened. she then started to laugh, and sighed." i thought you died..." he shook his head. she put her knife away, and gave him a hand shake.
"i knew you liked me" he smirked.
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