" did your mother ever teach you personal higene? cause your teeth, YIKES, looks like theyve been through hell and back," she laughed a little, and punched his chest, kicking him off of her, leaping up. there were claw marks that were bleeding on her chest, the wholes slowly closed up, and she looked up at him, and smiled, her eyes turning pitch black. then there was a shadow landing behind them.
"dude!" she yelled at the shadow, " go back to the apartment!"
He recorded as much as he could, then implemented counter-defenses in case they crossed his path; they would never see it coming.
Jason grinned
He grabbed Anna again and took off laughing
He grabbed Anna again and took off laughing
he pointed towards the guy recording everything and said, " dont want to... you need my help little sis... plus ive missed you, he then sent a snake to go and wrap around jasons feet. he tripped and fell on his chin.
she camoflouged into her surroundings and lept up next to the guy. tapping him on the shoulder, she turned back into a visible being, " hey! you a super spy or something, mouse..."
Anna’s form was bluring gold as she tried to escape using her speed
Anna’s form was bluring gold as she tried to escape using her speed
she looked up and used her index and middle finger to wave, by going from her forehead, out. she then grabbed the girl making them both camo, an she ran towards the apartment, setting her on the couch and jumping back out the window. " hang on cobra!" she yelled
he jumped up onto the top of the closest building. camoing, staying silent.
Anna stumbled on the floor
" no problem" she said making the gesture, and fell backwards from the window, landing on her feet, again...
Anna wiped her forehead
she ran towards were cobra was, grabbing him, and going back to the apartment. she then grabbed anna and texted something on her phone, 5 seconds later there was a whirrlpool at the floor. she jumped in with them and. blackout...
(( Thanks!))
Anna looked around
“So where are we?”
Anna looked around
“So where are we?”
They were gone! “Kastaban,” he shouted, throwing a book at the door, “where did they go?!” He hadn’t planned on this teleportation mechanic, though he felt like he should have. They were much too fast for him, he realized; he needed to be faster.
she was panting a little," Rapture... stay by me, and dont make contact unless i tell you that you can. ok?" she was stern, but was clearly happy everyone was out safely, she was suddenly stiff, looking streight ahead. it looked as if she wasent breathing. cobra was doing the same. they both yelled, " BIG DADDY!!!" then they ran. Viper turned around to grab Anna. they ran as fast as possible. the big monster was accompanied by a little girl. (( if you want to see what they look like search, Bioshock big daddy and little sister.))
soon they got past the roars of the two. and she looked to see a girl and a younger girl, they were fighting a bunch of UGGGLLLYYY people, " splicers... " she whispered. then the younger girl looked towards us and pointed looking at the bigger one. the girl lit them all on fire and walked towards them, holding the little girl on her shoulders.
His leftover mindlink from before they left mentioned something about a “Rapture,” and his research told him that it was a city meant for the rich and powerful, only to fall to some civil war and a bunch of drugs; “atom,” he recalled, some sort of illeagal narcotic. He couldn’t travel there; all he could do was wait.
" VIPER!!" the little girl yelled, hopping down and hugging her, " COBRA!!!!" she was definatly a little more excited that he was alive, he was smiling so big that viper was shocked.
" so, why did you need to come here?" she asked viper.
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