This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
howdy, howdy! i'll keep this short. i'm looking for a partner to write with so i can get some runtime with my favorite, less-than-typical cop, Amanda. fierce boston accents. an infuriating amount of short height jokes. lots of sarcasm and stubbornness. a cop who tries to pick fights with people who she obviously can't win against. what more could you want?
so here's what i'm looking for:
x novella/multi-para writers - preferably someone who can average 4-5+ paragraphs.
x romance! FxF or FxM. expect a slow burner, but with some vaguely confused hook-ups along the way. Amanda's a weirdo like that.
x modern - either normal, or with supernatural elements. let's talk!
x people okay with lots of OOC chatter. i love to babble and bounce ideas off you, as well as offer you dumb memes and the occasional art.
right, anyways. shoot me a PM if you're interested. i'd prefer that over you posting here, because either i won't see your post or you won't see my reply!
so here's what i'm looking for:
x novella/multi-para writers - preferably someone who can average 4-5+ paragraphs.
x romance! FxF or FxM. expect a slow burner, but with some vaguely confused hook-ups along the way. Amanda's a weirdo like that.
x modern - either normal, or with supernatural elements. let's talk!
x people okay with lots of OOC chatter. i love to babble and bounce ideas off you, as well as offer you dumb memes and the occasional art.
right, anyways. shoot me a PM if you're interested. i'd prefer that over you posting here, because either i won't see your post or you won't see my reply!
Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » [LF] modern/romance - slightly unconvent (closed)
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