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Forums » Looking for RP » [LF] modern/romance - slightly unconvent (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Amanda Evans (played anonymously)

howdy, howdy! i'll keep this short. i'm looking for a partner to write with so i can get some runtime with my favorite, less-than-typical cop, Amanda. fierce boston accents. an infuriating amount of short height jokes. lots of sarcasm and stubbornness. a cop who tries to pick fights with people who she obviously can't win against. what more could you want?

so here's what i'm looking for:
x novella/multi-para writers - preferably someone who can average 4-5+ paragraphs.
x romance! FxF or FxM. expect a slow burner, but with some vaguely confused hook-ups along the way. Amanda's a weirdo like that.
x modern - either normal, or with supernatural elements. let's talk!
x people okay with lots of OOC chatter. i love to babble and bounce ideas off you, as well as offer you dumb memes and the occasional art.

right, anyways. shoot me a PM if you're interested. i'd prefer that over you posting here, because either i won't see your post or you won't see my reply!

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » [LF] modern/romance - slightly unconvent (closed)

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