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Forums » Looking for RP » Interdimensional Tavern RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

A long time ago, I typed a introduction for a fun webpage about you, the visitor, entering a tavern/cafe filled with strange people who enjoy talking about their unfamiliar places and sharing stories with each other. People can come and go, talk to each other and make friends (or enemies) The website would have been a thing where you'd get to meet a few neat characters and put together pieces of their crazy stories by having conversations with them and asking questions. I never finished the website because it was part of a year-long high school that I only got to take one semester of, but the concept would work just as well as a relaxed group roleplay.

I could also just go out and finish coding that website, but this is the more fun, "social" option.

There is no overarching plot, with the exception of characters possibly trying to uncover some of the lore surrounding the eldritch nature of the Tavern and its owner, but the whole point of the roleplay is...

Actually, now that I think about it. There's three:

- I'm sure we all have ourselves and our characters tied in in high-stakes, high-drama, and high-tension stories that can take a lot of energy to keep up with. As fun as all that is, sometimes we need a little break. I hope other people and myself will find this low-stakes roleplay relaxing.

- A roleplay that's designed to handle of lot of people and characters coming and going paves a pathway for players to easily meet and roleplay with several other people. I describe the roleplay as a one-off-scene because, although it might last a long time, I expect, even want, the cast of players to shift here and there. It goes back to the roleplay being relaxing by being easy to leave without disrupting the story, but it also makes it a creative way to meet new people.

- More selfishly, a no-plot, low-stakes roleplay with simple lore is good practice for a newborn GM (me).

So this is an interest check! I'll make an IC thread if I get two or three players. Comment if you'd like to join me; I'd also love to meet the characters you're thinking about using. I look forward to seeing ya'll.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.

100% Interested, friend! ^v^

I for one always like finding random extradimensional rest-stops! Basically anyone I have written up could have fun there, so yeah! ^v^ Loving this idea!
I'm intrigued in seeing where this goes, so count me in. I've always loved a trip through the multiverse.
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

I'm glad to hear it, guys! I'll definitely try to put a prompt up tomorrow. As for tonight, I've been procrastinating all day so I need to get off of my lazy butt and go clean something. I hope to see more interested people when I get back online. :)
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe)

Im a frequenter if the inns and taverns of Middle Earth so why not! Look forward to it!
This is my favorite sort of thing. Pretty sure I've got several boys who"d fit here.
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

Thank you, everyone! The IC chat is open!
I can see my characters passing thru here, eventually making their way back out and onto their major goals in life. If theres no objection that's probably exactly what I'll do.
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

Voldarian_Empire wrote:
I can see my characters passing thru here, eventually making their way back out and onto their major goals in life. If theres no objection that's probably exactly what I'll do.

No objections here; join in any time you want!
I guess the term interdimensional has me stuck on seeing this as some space born rest stop like that bar at the end of space balls (the one with the dancing chestburster lol) I'm guessing I am wrong and this is on a planet somewhere....or is that even relevant due to the nature of entry?
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

Voldarian_Empire wrote:
I guess the term interdimensional has me stuck on seeing this as some space born rest stop like that bar at the end of space balls (the one with the dancing chestburster lol) I'm guessing I am wrong and this is on a planet somewhere....or is that even relevant due to the nature of entry?

It's location is completely unknown. Might not even be anywhere. If you were to leave the Tavern, you'd return to wherevever you'd meant to when you'd opened whatever door. No one really knows what it is and you can't exactly go looking for it; you just end up there every once and a while.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Interdimensional Tavern RP (closed)

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