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Forums » Art & Creativity » Paint Tool SAI Tutorials

Hey there Art Fans:

I've been gifted the program Paint Tool SAI 2 (64 bit version) and would really love to learn the ins and outs. Does anyone know of a YouTuber, Udemy course, or even an online blog that offers tutorials for beginners? I use Clip Studio Paint for arting at the moment but find it is very different.

If anyone has any recommendations for custom pens too, that would be fantastic!

Do you mean Paint Tool Sai 1 or 2? I technically own both and could probably give you pointers, but I thought Sai 2 was still in development. I don't think it can be purchased since there's only a demo version available, so I'm a bit confused.
You can purchase a license for it, but it reads like a SAI 1 license (and actually covers both versions of the program.) I've recently picked it up (and let me just say, bless the text feature for saving me from taking it to photoshop or having to *SHUDDER* write with my own awful hand.)

If you search SAI brushes on DA you can find some decent presets, but I'm personally a fan of making my own, and those often change from 'thing' to 'thing.' Which is a nice way of saying I get bored and change all of them up rather regularly depending on what I need them for.

If you want to ask questions, I've been using SAI 1 (and it's almost identical to 2) for years and could help you out, although I have no knowledge of any tutorials for it!

skaikrasha#0143 on discord if you need help!

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