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Forums » Looking for RP » A wild Sammy appeared! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Sam (played by HamstaQueen)

I was wondering if anyone would like to rp with me and my new Oc, Sam. :)

He is a (!Non sexual!) Escort. He can be a flirty little shit, but hes honestly a sweet heart whos just trying to get by in life. He cross dresses on and off (mostly for his job) but other then that, hes pretty normal.

I'd be willing to do a modern or fantasy type rp with him

Please pm me if interested :3
Sam (played by HamstaQueen) Topic Starter

I like this idea, what is his sexual orientation?
Sam (played by HamstaQueen) Topic Starter

He's Bi
But leans more towards men

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » A wild Sammy appeared! (closed)

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