((Two rolls))
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 12.
Note: Brenna perception
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.
Note: Pint perception
((OOC - I'm losing track of what all we've got to work with so far. So started compiling a list. I'll try to get in an IC post this weekend...
Top suspects just so the GM can sit back and laugh and laugh...
Other Characters:
Clues or Red Herrings?
Top suspects just so the GM can sit back and laugh and laugh...

- Lieutenant Peter - second in command under Captain Baring. The two did not seem on friendly terms. Motive: promotion? Potentially in contact with the orcs. Not sure if he has poison knowledge.
- Catherine the Cat - Just cause cats are shady characters... It was in the kitchen prior to dinner. Ran out with Pint & Rin, then returned with them. (Time to communicate with orcs?)
Other Characters:
- Bald Mick - landlord
- Rosalind - landlady, married to Mick. Mother to Henry Fitzroy
- Samuel - stablehand, swelling on his neck from lice and fleas
- Alfonce - the cook, from Petula
- Martha - disgruntled maid. Possibly taken advantage of by Henry Fitzroy
- Betty - buxom barmaid. Rumored to sleep with half-orcs. Wears trashy jewelry.
- Kitty - reserved barmaid. Born in the palace. Her mother was a cook. Wears ring on her middle finger. Is she the king's daughter?
- Henry Fitzroy - King Duncan's bastard son with Rosalind.
- Thugley and Hoggins
- Macey - merchant with a cargo of spices.
- Caitlin - Macey's daughter. between 16-18
- Petulan ambassador. (I don't believe we've learned his name). Hugged Alfonce.
- Helena from Petula - daughter of Baron de Burgundy; supposed to marry Henry Fitzroy
- Mistress Weather - wise woman. Healer?
- Dalin - dwarf traveling with Mistress Weather. Firin (pledged to speak the truth)
- King Duncan - "Mr. Swathmore"
- Father Geoffrey
Clues or Red Herrings?
- There's a black shaggy dog named Lupus (or wolf? or wolf-dog?)
- There's a yellow dog named Rex
- Peter said Baring's last order was to have no one in the watch tower
- Kitty served Baring's meal
- ONLY Baring's dinner was poisoned
- Orc wearing a medallion with full moon between two horns, the symbol of the evil moon-worshipping religion
- Mistress Weather has matching medallion.
((Duplicate post, deleted))
((Okay! Here we go!


rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1. After the modifier of +1, got
Note: +1 Strength Mod
rolled 1d4 and got a natural 4.
Note: Damage, if applicable
((Whooo! I hope that counts!! Damage roll... ))
rolled 1d4 and got a natural 2.
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