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Forums » Looking for RP » Wasteland werewolf seeking sci-fi shenan (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Sprite Cinders (played by Garn)

Player Count: Got one cool lad already, open for one or two other partners~

Eyo folks from all over! Glad to see you ended up nosing around my thread, and I hereby bid you welcome to my umpteenth "I'm busy yet bored and need something cool"-thread! Judging from the title and the lass I'm posting this through, you probably already know what I might be looking for. But allow me to turn that sketchy presumption into something solid; let's get this show (explanation? partner hunt?) on the road~

#1: What am I looking for?
So Sprite here has gone through a lot here on RPR - fought side to side with a robotic furry, nearly threw fists with a gifted 11-year-old, visited a shy necromancer during the spooky hours and almost drank herself to death alongside a neon-tufted punk -, but only a few roleplays outta the wonderful examples I've mentioned involved her "canon" genre: sci-fi. That, my friends, is what I'm looking for, essentially. Plasma guns, cruel robots and lots of hi-tech battle stuff. But that's not all! Let me show you a list of what kind of setting I'd be looking for in the potential RP we could have (instead of boring you with idle talk):
  • The (un)holy child of Post-Apocalyptic universes and Science Fiction: This doesn't mean Fallout, and this doesn't mean Star Wars either, although the latter is closer than one might think. The wasteland I'm talking about here isn't some messed up version of Earth, no, I'm talking about a desert planet, a planet that was messed up and hostile from the start - home to bandits, alien-like monsters and lots of sand! Think Borderlands' Pandora! Suppose you could add some Sci-Fi Western elements too!
  • Sprinkled with a mix of Supernatural Fantasy and Gorey Dystopia: Vampires aren't afflicted by a curse, nah, they're immortal supersoldiers gone wild! Werewolves are GMOs, zombies are.. pretty much what they are in today's fiction. This, of course, isn't a big must, the only thing I want is that Sprite can keep her ability to transform in to a beast. If you don't wanna involve good ol' Dracula, that's cool too!
  • I dunno what to put here but I'd like to say that all these things are flexible and just as vague as.. whatever. We could include space-travel too, we could ban robots and add mecha-dragons instead. Feel free to talk with me about the changeable details. As for subgenres, well, I do like action and interesting character dynamics, ask me about romance first, but no need to fuss about friendships, enemy-ships and the like. Might even accept some long-lost cowboy brother!
#2: Who am I looking for?
The luv of my loife.. nah, but a friendly, understanding partner would be nice! I'm a busy little crustacean and got a lot of IRL stuff to tend to; all I ask is that you understand this and don't go poking me for replies when I haven't replied to the OOC chat in three hours. Also, big one here, be honest, always! If the RP bores you to hell or stresses you out, let me know and we'll either be on our merry way or fix whatever problem there might be. Just talk, I like that! Also, about playstyles:
  • I don't give a mango about length. Bring me a novel or bring me a oneliner, I'm fine with either. But give me something to work with! A two-sentence post saying that your character downed a whole glass of poison to spit out a secret message in blood is more useful than three paragraphs describing how your character nodded when my OC asked her if she wanted another cookie.
  • Someone who understands as much as every person born with a brain does that powerplaying, godmodding and metagaming isn't cool. Thank you.
#3: Anything else?
Nope! I just threw this onto paper (digital paper, Einstein) on the spur of the moment, so sorry about the messy, overly lengthy thread. If you think this is up your alley, just send me a PM or comment down below, I'd love to talk to y'all cool & crazy people! That's all, so peace out, folks.

~ Yours truly, GarnaalProductions
Magic 40%
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Technology 70%
Further future, perhaps visit mars or upload your brain
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Sprite Cinders (played by Garn) Topic Starter

Eyo folks! Don't let the post's length scare ya, I'm really flexible; any kinda sci-fi will do~

Still open to one or two partners!
Sprite Cinders (played by Garn) Topic Starter

One last bump, folks!
Sprite Cinders wrote:
One last bump, folks!

This sounds like something I'd be greatly interested in! If you're still looking for people I'd love to be apart of it. I haven't created any characters yet, but one is coming!
Sprite Cinders wrote:
One last bump, folks!
May I join? Is it still open?
Foxtrot (played by DarkAlpha)

Interested for sure

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Wasteland werewolf seeking sci-fi shenan (closed)

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