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Forums » Looking for RP » Villain Rehab Interest Check (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

In a world filled with humans, superhumans, and laws, it makes it impossible for the villains to regain control. The numbers are dwindling and a new program has been put in place. "Villain Rehabilitation" they call it. Villains who have landed themselves into a lot of trouble, but have also served quite a bit of time, find themselves in a once-per-week class. This class teaches them the ways of controlling their urges and becoming one with the herd called society. During this time, they're still locked away at night but they are allowed a section of the city to roam in daylight hours. Go past those hours or disrupt the city, and there will be consequences.
Will you turn for the better? Try to up your reputation? Or will you use this opportunity to take control of the city once more?

Extra Info/Rules:
- This is not a private roleplay. It will have its own post!
- Your villain may have powers or not, as long as they are evil (at first or in general) it works.
- If powers mean they are not a human race, that is fine by me.
- Nothing too god-like, please! Your villain got arrested in the first place, I doubt they're Zeus' equal or something.
- Every villain has its weakness!
- If your villain had special accommodations that the facility should know about, let me know!
- I will be playing the main NPCs but you all are free to make some of your own.
- I'm not harsh on reply length but at least 3 sentences would be nice (the longer, the better though).
- Violence and darker themes are expected, romance is allowed. Just follow the site rules.
- Multiple characters are allowed and encouraged! Just don't take more than you can chew.
- If you decide you do not want to participate anymore, you could always have your character just... pass away. It avoids the whole "I think I'm done" awkward conversation. However, it's up to you!
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Hi, I'm interested in joining with my boy Samael.
This calls to me... I am very interested especially since I have quite a few characters that would fit...

Jezbêll Raev (also known as Vixen)
has illusion magic and fire magic
(she is a fire fox demon)
she is not downright evil but is a chaotic neutral who will do whatever the hell she pleases and wants. That includes murder, stealing and all sorts of nefarious activities. She is also quite the prankster and trickster.
Cathmor Topic Starter

yzaiskane wrote:
This calls to me... I am very interested especially since I have quite a few characters that would fit...

Jezbêll Raev (also known as Vixen)
has illusion magic and fire magic
(she is a fire fox demon)
she is not downright evil but is a chaotic neutral who will do whatever the hell she pleases and wants. That includes murder, stealing and all sorts of nefarious activities. She is also quite the prankster and trickster.

That is perfect! One of the characters I plan to use is chaotic neutral as well. She sounds fun, I can't wait to see what she is capable of c:
She will have fun...
Retribution would be perfect for this roleplay; as an ex-hero, I think he would fit in nicely.
Cathmor Topic Starter

Arcol wrote:
Retribution would be perfect for this roleplay; as an ex-hero, I think he would fit in nicely.

I checked him out and he really would be perfect. I never thought of an ex-hero, I love that!
Cathmor wrote:
Arcol wrote:
Retribution would be perfect for this roleplay; as an ex-hero, I think he would fit in nicely.

I checked him out and he really would be perfect. I never thought of an ex-hero, I love that!

I thought you would; a perfect match, yes?
Cathmor Topic Starter

Arcol wrote:
Cathmor wrote:
Arcol wrote:
Retribution would be perfect for this roleplay; as an ex-hero, I think he would fit in nicely.

I checked him out and he really would be perfect. I never thought of an ex-hero, I love that!

I thought you would; a perfect match, yes?

Perfect indeed
I'll probably launch this RP in a day or two, just to see if anyone else would be interested c:
Retribution (played by Arcol)

Sounds good to me.
Jezbell Raev (played by yzaiskane)

Retribution (played by Arcol)

Same here.
Retribution (played by Arcol)

So... when are we starting?
Hasgramorne (played by Draken901)

I've been wanting to try a downgraded version of //PHOENIX_ for a while now. You may find it on the very bottom of the "Hasgramordia" page in the Hasgramorne profile. Seeing how such a malevolent AI would take to be so defeated and contained would be interesting.
Malloy Winters (played by Luxerd)

Hello, I found this and couldn't help but think about my character Malloy Winters. He's one of my 'villain' characters you could say, and one of my personal favorites, and from what I gather in other RPs, I think that he's also one of my more popular characters that usually end up an antagonist. Love to hate, hate to love kinda deal? Heh anyway...

Malloy is honestly just a human at his core, no magic, none of that, just your sort of run of the mill, psychopathic mad doctor who runs god knows what experiments if you know what I mean... Heh, I'm really just paraphrasing here I guess, but I'd be more than open to trying this out, seeing what's up, that is if you're still searching I guess...

But like I said, I'm paraphrasing because of course I already set up the entire character page for him, so feel free to check that out, but some key points worth noting that I'll sum up here quickly I guess is...

-Human (As aforementioned)
-No magic abilities... (Or supernatural or anything of the like)
-Extremely intelligent
-Fairly strong, more than an average human, but nothing too crazy.
-Left handed
-Needs glasses
-Lives a very healthy lifestyle despite being a pretty evil guy
-And I guess if there's any other questions I'd be more than happy to answer them best I can!
Katsu Worgan (played by ragemachine)

I’m interested and I could use either Katsu and Bo Hond and Vaakis
Retribution (played by Arcol)

((I’m serious; is there a link or something? Sorry, I’m just excited and impatient; a quirk of mine, I admit.))

I'm certainly interested in roleplaying with Drew!

This looks like a fun roleplay. If it still is going to happen.
Retribution (played by Arcol)

We’re still doing this, right?

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Villain Rehab Interest Check (closed)

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