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Forums » Looking for RP » On The Run; Hide (Group RP) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


A small group of six friends. Theyre friends for a reason- why? They all have some sort of power!

However, they're forced to flee from their high school and old lives after an incident revealing their powers...

Looking for five other roleplayers!

  1. Sarah Lotonati - Female - The Shy One - shadow Mimicry
  2. Finnian McCray - Male - The Badass - Deoxygenation
  3. Alex Phoenix - Male - The Jock Buds - I've Generation
  4. Flynn Auburn - Male - The Jock Buds - Fire Mimicry


The Jock Buds - TAKEN: These two are best friends. They're closer than anyone in the group. They are practically inseparable from each other, and are more likely to discuss things between themselves rather than the whole group. They are confident, and calm in most situations.

The Badass - TAKEN: This is the one who isn't afraid to take control. They aren't afraid to cuss, and aren't afraid to do things that maybe are against the law or against actual morals.

The Social Butterfly - 1 spot open: This is the one who's obsessed with their looks, how they come off to others, their phone and their social media. They're incredibly sociable and sometimes can be a little overwhelming. They usually can't go over an hour without their phone or checking Instagram.

The Geek - 1 spot open: The nerd of the group. Interested in many geek-like topics, such as anime, video games, specific fandoms, etc. They are passionate about anything they like and aren't afraid to discuss it in depth with others. They often know a lot about the world.

The Shy One - TAKEN: This is the one who is too embarrassed to take control or do anything that goes against the group. They often stay quiet, and are too anxious and afraid to do anything against the law. They cannot make large decisions by themselves and will panic if put on the spot.

Power Options

Fire Mimicry - TAKEN: Fire Mimicry is when a user's body is made entirely up of fire, despite having a human appearance.

Abilities: ° Radiates off an abnormal amount of heat from their body at all times, and if wished, can increase the temperature even more.
° Can turn any part of their body into flames at any time they would like.
° Fueled by heat

Disadvantages: ° Hurt and weakened by water.
° Hurt and weakened by snow
° Can get small burns from highly windy conditions.

Uranium - Open: A uranium power allows the user to give off high radioactive rates when wanted, causing health effects to those around the user.

Abilities: ° Radiates off deadly amounts of radiation.
° Cause deadly illnesses to those within a 15 feet radius.
° Immune to radiation.

Disadvantages: ° Cannot control who the radiation effects.
° Only goes up to 15 feet away from where the user is standing
° Can damage the environment.

Earth Bender - Open: Allows a user to manipulate the earth.

Abilities: ° Can manipulate the earth to do it's bidding.
° Can grow minor life like grass and flowers.

Disadvantages: ° Cannot control wet or burned earth
° Cannot control artificial earth such as concrete or gravel.
° Not immune to it.

Shadow Mimicry - TAKEN: A user's body is made entirely of pure darkness and dark energy.

Abilities: ° Can turn any part of their body into pure shadow.
° Has another form considered 'demonic' where their whole body is shadow-like.
° Fueled by night

Disadvantages: ° Permanantly cold.
° Hurt by sunlight
° Mostly nocturnal
° Being awake during the day makes them sleepy.

Ice Generation - TAKEN: Allows a user to create ice where they please.

Abilities: ° Can create ice where they want.
° Can coat anything in a very thin layer of frost
° Can freeze water.
° Immune to cold.

Disadvantages: ° Cannot move or change the ice once it is made.
° Weakened by heat
° Tends to get hot very very easily.

Deoxygenation - TAKEN: Allows a user to remove all oxygen within a 10 feet radius.

Abilities: ° Can remove oxygen from the air within a 10 feet radius
° Can suffocate their victims.

Disadvantages: ° Only remove air within a 10 feet radius.
° Cannot control who suffocates and who doesn't.
° Effect only lasts for two minutes.
° Cannot re-add the oxygen into the air.


1. Understand that I can reject any form that I don't see fit/good enough. Please don't get offended. <3
2. Must have good English. This includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.
3. Posts will require four (4) paragraphs at minimum. 4+ lines in a paragraph.
4. Avoid OOC drama at all costs. We want to make this enjoyable for everyone!
5. Please be logical with your posts. Don't be stupid.
6. Wait your turn!
7. Absolutely no smut. We're only teenagers!
8. Try to respond as often as you can. If you can't respond every day/every two days or so, this roleplay isn't for you.
9. Include everyone.
10. IC drama is encouraged.
11. Romance is encouraged. I will have a ship list~ XD
12. Cussing is allowed! If you don't like it, don't join!
13. This RP WILL contain dark themes. Don't like it, don't join!
14. Have fun!

The Capital

The Capital is essentially the government. After revealing their powers on accident to the country, it's The Capital's job to chase after them and track them down.

They travel in high-tech super sports cars which are painted fully jet black with a single white stripe on the bonnet. The windows are all blacked out and the roof cannot be converted down like most think is possible. They usually travel in threes, with four people in each car keeping a keen look out.

These men are armed with hand pistols, pepper spray and high voltage tazers.

Requirements for Signing Up

1. Characters must between the ages of 15 - 18.
2. Fill out the form in as much detail as you possibly could.
3. Comment as your character.


This roleplay will contain dark themes.

Sign Up

Full Name:

Age + Grade:


Theme Song(s) (OPTIONAL):

Character Type:

Description of Appearance:

Picture of (OPTIONAL):

Description of Personality:

Dominating Trait:

Power Name:

Extra Information:

Need an example? Here's mine!

Full name: Sarah Lotonati

Age + Grade: 15 + Sophomore

Nicknames: Half-Pint, shortcake, shorty

Theme Song(s):

Character Type: The Shy One

Description of Appearance: Sarah has lucious brown hair that flows to just below her shoulders. It's thick and wavy, and can sometimes get very curly. She's never dyed a strand of it ever, and prefers to keep it all natural. It's often frizzy, to which she uses a light amount of hairspray to keep it neat. In certain light angles it can look almost ginger or even a deep black shade. It frames her face nicely. She almost always wears it down, and never puts it up into ponytail's or buns. She hates blow-drying it because it can make her hair have more volume than it already naturally has and she doesn't want that. So she always towel dries it a little first until its only damp and then she lets it dry on its own.

Her skin is almost like porcelain, being pale, smooth and almost completely undamaged. She only has a scar that runs from her first knuckle to the third, and another one that's on her hip after she got into a car accident aside from that, her skin is practically perfect in most places.

Her eyes are a deep red, commonly lined with eyeliner and a light bit of mascara to make them really stand out. They're large, and have no shine in them whatsoever.
Sarah is slim and small.

Sarah stands at 5'3, and weights around 70 pounds. It's way less than she should be, though she doesn't seem to entirely care. She's often mocked for her height, but she doesn't let it get to her. However, small comments on her weight can and will go a long way.

She's a size 6 in women's shoe. She's a 38B cup, a size 7 in (UK) shirt size, and a size 7 in (UK) pants size.
The thing that stands out the most about Sarah is her clothing.

Sarah wears standard t-shirts and long sleeved shirts. Some of which are solid colour, and others are band logos. Nothing special, but she refuses to wear purely brought colours at any given point in time because she doesn't like bright, solid colours.

She mostly wears skinny jeans, mostly with rips in them, but will also occasionally wear leggings. She never wears shorts, and you're unlikely to catch her in a short-term although it is possible and she does wear them occasionally.

She loves to wear jackets and hoodies. That's what 90% of her closet is. She's got black jackets, grey jackets, dark red jackers, blue jackets, and purple jackets. She's got a whole assortment of solid colour hoodies, ranging from black to white, red to purple, blue to green. She's also got a large range of designed hoodies, such as a blue one that says "1997" on it, or army hoodies, band logos, lyrics, quotes, anime, and anything else you could name: she probably has it.

And her signature piece of item wear: her mask. Unless specified otherwise, it's safe and secure to assume that she always has it on. It's a jet black with a single red cross which, although nobody can see, it crosses directly over her cracked lips underneath the thick piece of fabric on her face.

Picture Of: rsz-316kimo.jpg

Description of Personality: Sarah isn't exactly shy. Though she would certainly fit under the category.

Sarah is an independent individual. She despises asking for help and would rather spend months working on a project alone rather than being paired up or asking for assistance. She can get things done quicker on her own than she can in groups, as strange as it sounds. And she feels most comfortable when alone.

This fact makes her reserved and quiet, which also portrays her as an extremely anti-social and/or shy person.

She also suffers with trust issues, after several incidents with other students in other schools has left her nervous and full of anxiety when she lets someone in. It's one of the most prominent things she's ever been scared of, and it easily shines through her exterior.

You'll rarely ever hear her talk, if it all. She simply usually responds with physical movement, hums or small noises which indicate how she's feeling or the response she wants to give.

She has a tendancy to have bursts of mood swings or fits. If that happens, she's likely to push you away and refuse to even notice your existance. These are when someone upsets or annoys her, but can also just be plainly random and have been caused for no absolute effect alone.

She's extremely self-conscious and has practically zero self-confidence in herself.

Despite this, she's a very caring person who won't hesitate to help someone in need. She's the type of person who will drop everything she's doing and care for others, even if that means decreasing and sacrificing her own health for someone else's well-being. While this can be an unhealthy habit, she doesn't seem to notice anything wrong with her ways and cannot seem to change either.

Sarah constantly worry about what other people say about her. This ties in with her trust issues, as she always fears someone is spreading rumours she doesn't know about or has been talking smack about her to others and her friends behind her back.

Dominating Trait: Shyness + Anxiousness

Power Name: Shadow Mimicry

Extra Information: She suffers with anorexia. She can sing and play guitar. She loves the rain.

Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

Finnian McCray (played by PastelGalaxy)

Full Name: Finnian McCray

Age + Grade: 17, Junior

Nicknames: Finn

Character Type: The Badass

Description of Appearance: 5'10" with dirty hlonde/light brown hair, lighter eyes that shift between a blue, gray and a green color depending on lighting and sometimes mood. Tanned skin during the summers, usually a bit washed out in winter. He's skinny with moderate muscling. Has a large scar that runs from his wrist to the bend of his elbow.

Usually wears muted colors to blend in with the crowd when he's going on a raid. When not stealing to survive, he wears colorful shirts and old worn blue jeans with tattered Nike's.

Description of Personality: He's a bit of a brooder and doesn't have very good control of his emotions, especially those dealing with anger. Generally steers clear of people though when he wants to can become very sociable and fun to hang around. Acts like he doesn't care when he actually does deep down.

Dominating Trait: Acts first and thinks later.

Power Name: Deoxygenation

Extra Information: Is very artistic, especially when drawing. Always wears his father's dog tags. Has a couple tattoos.

~Sorry it's a bit rushed, I hope this is good enough. Love the idea!
Full Name: Alex Phoenix

Age + Grade: 16, Junior

Nicknames: Al, Ying

Character Type: The Jock Buds

Description of Appearance: He stands at 5"11' , short silver hair with blue combined, deep blue eyes, and pale. His eyes tend to change to a lighter blue when he's on a good mood, but only when his best friend is near. He's rather skinny, but fit.

He would usually wear a pair of blue ripped jeans, with a black jacket ontop of a dark blue shirt with a snowflake in the middle and a pair of black Jordans.

But when he's performing, or feeling up to it, he would wear a rather fancy tuxedo.

Description of Personality: He's rather a quiet one, but gets very opened up when his best friend is around. He doesn't like big crowds, but tends to deal with it and not worry much. Deep down behind his cold gaze lies more of his secrets, which he won't reveal to no-one. This makes him less trustworthy, but he doesn't mean to be the way he is. He's careful around others and is always observant, hard for him to miss any details.

Dominating Trait: Snooze you lose.

Power Name: Ice Generation

Extra Information: He wears a best friend bracelet that he made for him and his best friend. He also plays the violin fluently.

-I like this rp idea.-
Alex (played by xashley16)

Interested, but want to be the badass. If you are okay with two people being a badass let me know
Flynn Auburn (played by Tink)

Name: Flynn Auburn

Age and Grade: 16, Junior

Nicknames: Fly, Longlegs

Charecter type: The Jock buds

Description of appearance: 6'0 He is tall with broad shoulders, he is naturally very pale but gets tanned easily. His head of messy black hair can make his sea green eyes a little much sometimes. He has a scar across his right eye that runs down his cheek and lip, the scar can make his smile a little eerie sometimes.
He normally wears off white tanktops with black jeans. He prefers black boots that go to his knees, he always has a dagger concealed in it. He wears his brothers dog tags and his own. He has scars on his back and chest from his past with his dad.

Description of Personality: Hes pretty easy going as long as his buddy is around. He loves to laugh and joke with just about anyone. He can take things the wrong way and lose his cool very fast. He is a amazing fighter as long as he uses his own dagger or a handgun, he dosent tolerate people messing with his friends or what's left of his family. He would rather take a bullet then kill or watch others be killed. His past can haunt him sometimes.

Dominating trait: He will roast you if you let him.

Power name: Fire Mimicry
- this seems rlly cool-
Flynn Auburn (played by Tink)

Oof I forgot something

Extra Information: Has dyslexia and autism. Loves animals and hanging with his buddy. Can sing but dosent want people to know.
Aaron Pyrosian (played by Arcol)

Full Name: Aaron Madrokan Pyrosian

Age + Grade: 18, Senior

Nicknames: “Traitor-Son” (don’t call him that; it’s an insult, but the only nickname I’ve got)

Theme Song(s) (OPTIONAL): The Prophecy Fullfilled (Jeremey Soule, Morrowind)

Character Type: The Isolationist

Description of Appearance: Average sized, with black hair, burnt-magma eyes and pale skin.

Picture of (OPTIONAL):

Description of Personality: Mostly keeps to himself, but when approached, is very friendly. He is the Traitor-Son of Netharan the Scorched, and runs from both him and a branch organization intent on killing off all Demilords called the Brotherhood of Aitherion.

Dominating Trait: When enraged, he loses himself to the Scorching, a powerful firestorm; it rarely happens, though.

Power Name: The Scorching

Extra Information: He is an avid traveler and enjoys seeing new places.
nightmqre Topic Starter

Holy- that's a lot of replies. I'll read them all as soon as and her back to everyone!
nightmqre Topic Starter

Finnian McCray wrote:
Full Name: Finnian McCray

Age + Grade: 17, Junior

Nicknames: Finn

Character Type: The Badass

Description of Appearance: 5'10" with dirty hlonde/light brown hair, lighter eyes that shift between a blue, gray and a green color depending on lighting and sometimes mood. Tanned skin during the summers, usually a bit washed out in winter. He's skinny with moderate muscling. Has a large scar that runs from his wrist to the bend of his elbow.

Usually wears muted colors to blend in with the crowd when he's going on a raid. When not stealing to survive, he wears colorful shirts and old worn blue jeans with tattered Nike's.

Description of Personality: He's a bit of a brooder and doesn't have very good control of his emotions, especially those dealing with anger. Generally steers clear of people though when he wants to can become very sociable and fun to hang around. Acts like he doesn't care when he actually does deep down.

Dominating Trait: Acts first and thinks later.

Power Name: Deoxygenation

Extra Information: Is very artistic, especially when drawing. Always wears his father's dog tags. Has a couple tattoos.

~Sorry it's a bit rushed, I hope this is good enough. Love the idea!

Looks great! I'll within down :)
nightmqre Topic Starter

Alex Phoenix wrote:
Full Name: Alex Phoenix

Age + Grade: 16, Junior

Nicknames: Ying

Character Type: The Jock Buds

Description of Appearance: He stands at 5"11' , short silver hair with blue combined, deep blue eyes, and pale. His eyes tend to change to a lighter blue when he's on a good mood, but only when his best friend is near. He's rather skinny, but fit.

He would usually wear a pair of blue ripped jeans, with a black jacket ontop of a dark blue shirt with a snowflake in the middle and a pair of black Jordans.

But when he's performing, or feeling up to it, he would wear a rather fancy tuxedo.

Description of Personality: He's rather a quiet one, but gets very opened up when his best friend is around. He doesn't like big crowds, but tends to deal with it and not worry much. Deep down behind his cold gaze lies more of his secrets, which he won't reveal to no-one. This makes him less trustworthy, but he doesn't mean to be the way he is. He's careful around others and is always observant, hard for him to miss any details.

Dominating Trait: Snooze you lose.

Power Name: Ice Generation

Extra Information: He wears a best friend bracelet that he made for him and his best friend. He also plays the violin fluently.

-I like this rp idea.-

I'll had him!
nightmqre Topic Starter

Flynn wrote:
Name: Flynn Auburn

Age and Grade: 16, Junior

Nicknames: Fly, Longlegs

Charecter type: The Jock buds

Description of appearance: 6'0 He is tall with broad shoulders, he is naturally very pale but gets tanned easily. His head of messy black hair can make his sea green eyes a little much sometimes. He has a scar across his right eye that runs down his cheek and lip, the scar can make his smile a little eerie sometimes.
He normally wears off white tanktops with black jeans. He prefers black boots that go to his knees, he always has a dagger concealed in it. He wears his brothers dog tags and his own. He has scars on his back and chest from his past with his dad.

Description of Personality: Hes pretty easy going as long as his buddy is around. He loves to laugh and joke with just about anyone. He can take things the wrong way and lose his cool very fast. He is a amazing fighter as long as he uses his own dagger or a handgun, he dosent tolerate people messing with his friends or what's left of his family. He would rather take a bullet then kill or watch others be killed. His past can haunt him sometimes.

Dominating trait: He will roast you if you let him.

Power name: Fire Mimicry
- this seems rlly cool-

I'll as him too! ^_^
nightmqre Topic Starter

Aaron Pyrosian wrote:
Full Name: Aaron Madrokan Pyrosian

Age + Grade: 18, Senior

Nicknames: “Traitor-Son” (don’t call him that; it’s an insult, but the only nickname I’ve got)

Theme Song(s) (OPTIONAL): The Prophecy Fullfilled (Jeremey Soule, Morrowind)

Character Type: The Isolationist

Description of Appearance: Average sized, with black hair, burnt-magma eyes and pale skin.

Picture of (OPTIONAL):

Description of Personality: Mostly keeps to himself, but when approached, is very friendly. He is the Traitor-Son of Netharan the Scorched, and runs from both him and a branch organization intent on killing off all Demilords called the Brotherhood of Aitherion.

Dominating Trait: When enraged, he loses himself to the Scorching, a powerful firestorm; it rarely happens, though.

Power Name: The Scorching

Extra Information: He is an avid traveler and enjoys seeing new places.

I can't accept this, sorry!


There hasn't been much detail put into it.

"The Isolationist" is not a character type given.

The Scorching is not a power given. - plus the fire power is already taken.
nightmqre Topic Starter

This thread will remain open until I get home from school because I'm very impatient. So six hours! :)
Aaron Pyrosian (played by Arcol)

StaticNightmares wrote:
Aaron Pyrosian wrote:
Full Name: Aaron Madrokan Pyrosian

Age + Grade: 18, Senior

Nicknames: “Traitor-Son” (don’t call him that; it’s an insult, but the only nickname I’ve got)

Theme Song(s) (OPTIONAL): The Prophecy Fullfilled (Jeremey Soule, Morrowind)

Character Type: The Isolationist

Description of Appearance: Average sized, with black hair, burnt-magma eyes and pale skin.

Picture of (OPTIONAL):

Description of Personality: Mostly keeps to himself, but when approached, is very friendly. He is the Traitor-Son of Netharan the Scorched, and runs from both him and a branch organization intent on killing off all Demilords called the Brotherhood of Aitherion.

Dominating Trait: When enraged, he loses himself to the Scorching, a powerful firestorm; it rarely happens, though.

Power Name: The Scorching

Extra Information: He is an avid traveler and enjoys seeing new places.

I can't accept this, sorry!


There hasn't been much detail put into it.

"The Isolationist" is not a character type given.

The Scorching is not a power given. - plus the fire power is already taken.

Of course, I understand.
nightmqre Topic Starter

closed for now
Flynn Auburn (played by Tink)

StaticNightmares wrote:
closed for now
Says " For now" in a creepy tone.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » On The Run; Hide (Group RP) (closed)

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