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Forums » Looking for RP » Crossover RPs (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I'm a sucker for crossover RPs of all kinds, whether it's crossing worlds that would make some sense like Fire Emblem and the Elder Scrolls or some that would be utterly ridiculous like K-On and Battlestar Galactica, or whatever else we have in mind. Typically, for the crossovers, I generally just use the excuse of portals and similar objects that give our characters the ability to cross between worlds. Down below are some of the themes that might be present in our RP.

- Action
- Combat
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance (MxF)
- Other light-hearted themes

Here are a few of the crossovers I'd love to do, though I don't have many plot ideas, I'm more than happy to discuss potential ideas. The italicized ideas are the ones I'm most craving.

Crossover Ideas
Fire Emblem x Elder Scrolls: For this, I've got two character that could be sent either way. I've got my Fire Emblem Awakening family or I could use my Skyrim avatar. I'd really love to start this out either during the war with Valm if we decide to throw your Elder Scrolls character into the Fire Emblem verse, or if we decide to set it in Skyrim, I'd prefer if we started it sometime before the civil war had ended, whether or not Alduin is still alive is up for discussion. Combat and drama is expected regardless of which world we're traveling in. Romance is only a possibility with my Skyrim avatar, as Roy is happily married and I have no desire to change that (though, I wouldn't be against if you'd want to play the role of Nowi).

Fullmetal Alchemist x WWI/WWII-era Europe/United States: For this, I'm seeking to throw one of my state alchemists onto Earth during World War eras; World War I is preferable, but World War II will work as well. I'd prefer it to take place in either the United States or a European country; France, England, or Germany being the most favorable. Understandably, there's likely to be plenty of drama and the chance for combat is very likely. I'd actually love it if we were to have my character thrown into the war torn Earth. While I do have three Fullmetal Alchemist characters listed on the page, only the first two are available for RP. Romance is a possibility, but unlikely as neither of interested in committing to a relationship.

Pokemon x Earth: Considerably more light hearted than the two suggested above, this will involve a Pokemon trainer being thrown onto Earth or vice versa. You can find all of my Pokemon trainers here. I don't have any modern day, Earth based characters at the moment, but I've got a few in the workshop. I'd greatly prefer having my trainer thrown onto Earth, but I'm willing to play out other scenarios for this one. Drama is a possibility and I'd actually love for a romance to blossom between our characters, the cheesier, the better. We could also throw my trainer into a medieval/Industrial Revolution version of Earth which could add a bit more drama to the mix. If we did it in the modern world, it'd be humorous if the other character was either obsessed with Pokemon or had absolutely no idea what Pokemon was.

Pokemon x Far Future Sci-Fi: Like the above, this involves throwing the Pokemon trainer into a far future setting like Star Wars, preferably without all the wars. Whether your character is a simple human or some strange, blob-like alien is up for debate. I've got a single sci-fi character at the moment with more in the workshop, he's just a simple human. I'd prefer this to be something a bit more light-hearted and comical, possibly with some romance sprinkled in.

Sci-fi x Medieval/steampunk Fantasy: This one involves throwing some technologically advanced character that has mastered intergalactic travel that meets a character from a land where technology isn't as advanced, where people still believe the Earth is flat and that the Sun revolves around it, magic and non-human races like elves, orcs, and other races are more than acceptable. This would likely provide for plenty of comical moments, depending on what we decide to do. I've got a steampunk-ish world that could be used for your character to arrive in, or I could send a character from said world into your world.

Skyrim x Earth:[/b] Much like the Pokemon x Earth crossover, this one will involve my Skyrim avatar being thrown onto Earth, whether it happens to be a modern day setting or set in the past, it doesn't matter too much. It might be humorous if the modern day character was either obsessed with the Elder Scrolls series (possibly with Ja'vassa closely resembling an avatar of their own) or had absolutely no idea what it was. Of course, if we placed in the past, most preferably during pre-Revolutionary War colonial America, it could provide for some interesting scenarios when the people discover a magical cat-person, possibly creating for some drama. I'd love for a romance to blossom between our characters, especially if we decide to play out in colonial America (or other European colonies). I'm also willing to play as far back as Ancient Greece.

Majoria x Your Custom Setting: This involve throwing one of my characters from Majoria into your custom setting or vice versa. Though, if you don't have a custom setting, we could just cross it with a fandom or something else, so this is largely up to you. A variety of things can happen depending on what we choose, though romance is entirely depending on our character choices.

Other Characters
Here are some other Pokemon trainers:

*Lucas is still a WIP, but he's got enough information to work with.

Here are a few Majorians available for RP.
The Guardians and the Girl
The Royals of Majoria

The latter two pages are heavy WIPs.

While the ones I've listed above are the ones I'd be most interested in doing, I'd be more than happy to discuss other ideas with you, so don't be shy if you've got other suggestions. I don't have many requirements for RP, but all I ask for is a bit of patience with me, I could respond immediately or it could be a century before you hear from me, and at least a paragraph per post; I don't need novels or blocks of text, just something to work with. If any of this interests you, please PM me. I won't be checking back on the forums except to bump it up on occasion. I look forward to hearing from you :)

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

KansasVenomoth Topic Starter

I'm still looking for other players!
I’m on board; send me a pm.
KansasVenomoth Topic Starter

I'm doing one more call for players!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Crossover RPs (closed)

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