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Forums » Looking for RP » Interest Check: Hogwarts Group (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I am just doing a quick interest check. Would anyone be interested in making a Hogwarts group on here? I'm thinking something setting a bit after the Second Wizard War so the timeline is more free and we can add a creative twist to it. Before I got too much into details, I wanted to see if this would be an interest to anyone before trying to take off with it.
Oh! This sounds interesting!

I think for me myself it would actually depend on how much the characters in there are related mainly to the canon lore or if it would be own original characters mainly that are not related by blood or otherwise with at least one of the main characters from the books.

I tend to get tired of those quickly, no offense at all, but I'd be really interested in creating one or two exclusive original characters for this if it's meant to be something mainly standing on its own on the group's people ideas for characters and plots, and just using the setting, general lore of things regarding magic and background history!

I'll watch this thread, if anything comes up further, feel free to shoot me a message. Depending on when you'd start with preparations and all those things, I'd maybe even have some time to help setting a few things up with you if you need someone to do that.

Wishing you the best luck in finding what you search for!

I’d definitely be down for this!
Minsi Topic Starter

Leighton wrote:
Oh! This sounds interesting!

I think for me myself it would actually depend on how much the characters in there are related mainly to the canon lore or if it would be own original characters mainly that are not related by blood or otherwise with at least one of the main characters from the books.

I tend to get tired of those quickly, no offense at all, but I'd be really interested in creating one or two exclusive original characters for this if it's meant to be something mainly standing on its own on the group's people ideas for characters and plots, and just using the setting, general lore of things regarding magic and background history!

I'll watch this thread, if anything comes up further, feel free to shoot me a message. Depending on when you'd start with preparations and all those things, I'd maybe even have some time to help setting a few things up with you if you need someone to do that.

Wishing you the best luck in finding what you search for!

As for characters I would leave it up to the players honestly. They can create ties with the original blood lines if they wish or bring in new blood lines from original creation. As long as everyone knows if original blood lines are going to be use the story may not follow exactly as written. I don't mind that. I like putting my own twist on fandoms but I know some people are hardcore by the book.
I’m interested!!!
Minsi Topic Starter

Awesome that is great to hear. Sorry I haven't been around much today. I'm not feeling the greatest.
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Now all we need to know is if everyone prefers normal Hogwarts school setting or do you guys want some kind of plot?

I mean if I’m being completely honest I would be fine with either.
Minsi Topic Starter

Sounds good. We can start by setting up the group and setting and move from there.

I don't know how much I'll be around today. I fell down the stairs so now I am in bed not moving very well.

Alright, take your time. Hope you feel better soon!
Interested, curious about what is going to be 'cannon' in this?
(definitely interested heh)
Hermione granger (played anonymously)

I can’t wait, should be quite fun!
Minsi Topic Starter

I don't mind Canon characters but please know this will be set after the main series books by a few years.
Minsi Topic Starter

Sorry guys I thought I was going to have time for a group but I'm not I hope you guys find something that you're looking for thank you for your time and your interest
Hi Guys if you're still interested I've set up a group here. It is very much work in progress so any comments are more than welcome. I'll try to get things up and running by Wednesday.

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