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Forums » Looking for RP » An Otherworldly Visitor (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ja'vassa (played by KansasVenomoth)

Okay, lately, I've had a hankering for throwing my Khajiit into a variety of periods on Earth, ranging from when humans were first wandering Africa to colonial America to 300 years in the future and everything in between. So, essentially with this plot, Ja'vassa will somehow wind up in [insert time period here] probably through some portals and some other BS, but how Ja'vassa arrived there is the least of our concerns. Expectedly, there's likely to be some combat depending on where we throw him, and of course, there could be plenty of fluff, depending on where he lands. Down below are time periods I'm most interested in trying. Though I know different languages have existed, but I'm a dumb American and only know English, so let's stick with that. I'd actually love if a romance were to form between Ja'vassa and the other character (MxF). The ones bolded are the ones I'm most wanting to do. I'm also looking to crossover with a few fandoms

Time Periods:
- Early Human Life
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Rome
- European Renaissance Period
- European/American Colonial Period (We could also do this on some of the places the Europeans took control, such as various South American or African countries)
- American Civil War (1800-1865)
- American Industrial Revolution
- Modern Day Earth
- 100 years into the future
- 1000 years into the future
- Apocalyptic Earth (how and when this happens is up for discussion)

- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fire Emblem
- Inuyasha
- Eternal Sonata
- Legend Of Zelda
- Black Butler
- Fairy Tail
- Soul Eater

Of course, I'm always open to any time period or fandom I might've missed. Now, I don't have too many requirements for the RP, all I ask for is some patience when playing with me, as I could respond immediately or it could be a century before I respond. I need at least a paragraph per response, I'm not asking for novels or blocks of text, just something to work with. I generally give 1-4 paragraphs and would appreciate the same. Please do not respond to this forum, if you're interested, PM me. I'll only be checking back to this page to bump it up or update with new information. Hopefully this interests you :)

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » An Otherworldly Visitor (closed)

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