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Forums » Looking for RP » Character development (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

All of my characters need to be developed so let me know if you want to RP
I might have an interest.
Reyrecords Topic Starter

Reyrecords Topic Starter

Arcol wrote:
I might have an interest.
*drops in from above* Hello there! *falls on feet* *looks impressed with himself* That's a first.

Anyway, I'd like to invite you to take a gander at all of my amazing characters! I have around *punches numbers into calculator* 125ish characters that are all ready to start an amazing plot! If you need specific character development, I can quickly generate a plot of any genre to help develop those parts of your characters.

Hope to see you in a roleplay soon! And with that, I bid you adieu. *tries to teleport out and fails* *sighs* That never works for me. Anyway, see ya! *walks out the door*
Reyrecords Topic Starter

TheNightmareSavage wrote:
*drops in from above* Hello there! *falls on feet* *looks impressed with himself* That's a first.

Anyway, I'd like to invite you to take a gander at all of my amazing characters! I have around *punches numbers into calculator* 125ish characters that are all ready to start an amazing plot! If you need specific character development, I can quickly generate a plot of any genre to help develop those parts of your characters.

Hope to see you in a roleplay soon! And with that, I bid you adieu. *tries to teleport out and fails* *sighs* That never works for me. Anyway, see ya! *walks out the door*
pm me

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Character development (closed)

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