This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
For all your life, you have been an outcast, pushed aside and trampled on. You ever had a home, never had friends, but you did have an affinity for magic; a mite of the School of Illusion to make people distracted as you picked their pockets or stole their wares from the stalls. One day, in the city of Wayrest, you happen to take a valuable-looking stone from the pockets of a dark-clad Argonian sorcerer. You attempt to figure out what it is, but nearly kill yourself in the process. When you awake, you see the sorcerer above you, a warm smile on his face as he informs you that you will become his apprentice; a whole new life has opened, but how will you settle in with a well-known sorcerer? Will you perfect your magic, or destroy a village? Can you trust your new master, and what will happen when a shadow of the past threatens all existence?
Hello, friends; I’ve been thinking for a while that my Sorcerer Arun-Ja needs an apprentice to keep up with him (as lesser Daedra are not good at keeping notes or following directions). Join today, and learn secrets never before found in Tamriel.
Learn the arts of the Ayleids, the Snow Elves(Falmer), the Aldmer, the Akaviri, and more.
(I’m not good with introductions for certain role plays, so bear with me here.)
Hello, friends; I’ve been thinking for a while that my Sorcerer Arun-Ja needs an apprentice to keep up with him (as lesser Daedra are not good at keeping notes or following directions). Join today, and learn secrets never before found in Tamriel.
Learn the arts of the Ayleids, the Snow Elves(Falmer), the Aldmer, the Akaviri, and more.
(I’m not good with introductions for certain role plays, so bear with me here.)
Mundane? What's that? Magic permeates every part of the setting. Almost everyone has access to strong magic.
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.
Excellent; I’ll shoot you a pm.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » The Mentor (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus