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Forums » Looking for RP » TWD / Zombie Apocalypse RP partner neede (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I started watching Black Summer on Netflix yesterday, but it was too stressful that I couldn't finish it (haha).

So, I started to re-watch TWD and realized that a zombie apocalypse rp would be really fun!

It would have violence and gore (it is the apocalypse after all), and maybe a little romance to keep things interesting. I've got some more ideas that I can tailor to your character so that there's a solid base to the story.

If you're interested, please message me or reply to this topic!
Hi! I'd be interested, but would you be willing to play a male character? I find it easier to do romances when it's like that. If not, that's cool! :)
numberFive Topic Starter

8_Stars_8 wrote:
Hi! I'd be interested, but would you be willing to play a male character? I find it easier to do romances when it's like that. If not, that's cool! :)
I sure can!! I've been meaning to make a male character for a while, but haven't gotten around to it.
Ok! Cool!

How do you feel about incorporating a little bit of this into the plot? I have some information about the Program underneath the first tab. If that interests you, we can try to have something like that in there! :)

I'd probably be using Rosie:
Morgan Crow (played anonymously)

I'm kinda interested as well, but could I join you two?

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » TWD / Zombie Apocalypse RP partner neede (closed)

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